What Are Our Enemies Up To While We Fight Ourselves

There’s a saying about the media, that’s been getting a lot of use lately. I can’t quote it exactly, but it’s something like, “When the media is blowing up about some insignificant story, look to see what they’re hiding from you.”

Sadly, there’s a lot more truth to that saying, than there is importance in the things that the media wastes their time blowing up over.

With the elections coming up in less than a month, pretty much everything has been about the elections. But even that has been poorly represented, with the media spending much more time talking about personal attacks between the candidates, rather than talking about substantive issues. Of all the elections I’ve seen, this one has had the least coverage of issues; in the media, in the debates and in every way possible.

But while the U.S. presidential elections are important, and even important outside the U.S. borders, they aren’t the only thing happening in the world. Events are happening in other countries, some of whom are our enemies. Statistically, it’s all but guaranteed that we will ultimately be impacted by at least some of these events.

While the U.S. media has always been extremely poor at reporting on world events, this is even worse during the presidential campaign. So you and I have very little idea of what our country’s enemies are up to.

Hopefully, our government has a better idea than we do, but I have little confidence in the current administration and their ability to deal with world events. It seems pretty clear that President Obama and his advisors have little idea of how to be world leaders, no matter how well they think of themselves.

Being so convinced of his own ability isn’t really much of a qualification to be a leader. Leadership is earned, and it is bestowed upon one by those who are willing followers. With that being the case, it’s clear that Obama isn’t seen by the leaders of other nations as a world-class leader. If you have any doubt about that, simply look at how poorly other nations have followed him in his limited efforts against ISIS.

This actually puts the United States in much more danger than we’ve ever been before. While there are always those who want to topple the person, organization or nation who is on top, good leadership holds those people at bay. Without the other nations of the world seeing us as being the leaders of the free world, these countries are much more likely to attack us.

So, what are our enemies up to and what does it mean to us? Here are 5 issues none of us should ignore.

1. Russia

Ever since Vladimir Putin became President of the Russian Federation in 2012, he has been making noises, showing his imperialistic ambitions. There are those in Russia who still look back to the glory days of the old Soviet Union and the power that they held in the world. Putin has been playing to that crowd, talking about restoring Russia to her former greatness.

It hasn’t all be talk either. In December,2014, Russia invaded Ukraine, taking control of the Crimea and threatening the rest of the country. Even after almost two years, it is unsure whether Russia will gobble up the rest of the Ukraine or not.

Other nearby neighbors are looking at Russian nervously, wondering how long it will be before they expand their operations to start retaking countries that were once part of the Soviet Union. Georgia especially, which was invaded by Russia in 2008, and still has Russian troops on their soil, is waiting to see what will happen.

Putin has been playing high-stakes with the United States throughout the Obama presidency. He has made it clear that he has on respect for Obama, or his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Rather than join the U.S. led coalition against ISIS, Russia started their own coalition, one which has been much more effective. Putin is boldly taking a stand as a world leader and directly challenging Obama.

In this regard, Putin is even laying the nuclear option on the table. His thinly veiled remarks about Russia still being a nuclear power can be seen as nothing less than a threat to the United States and our allies. He knows that Obama doesn’t have the guts to retaliate to a nuclear strike, so for the first time since World War II, Russia actually has a chance at winning a nuclear war.

If Hillary Clinton wins the election in November, this will most likely escalate. Putin has already been quoted as saying that there will be nuclear war, if Clinton wins the election. Considering her ineptitude as the Secretary of State, there is little reason to think that we would come out on the winning end of such a war.

Perhaps in preparation of that, Russia has moved tactical nuclear missiles into Kaliningrad, an enclave between Poland and Lithuania. This is another area of disputed territory, with Russia claiming it as their own. Yet placing the missiles there places both Poland and Lithuania at risk.

News about this deployment came on the heels of an announcement that Russia is considering restoring and reopening its military bases in both Cuba and Vietnam. Should they do that, it would be a direct challenge to the United States. We already went eyeball to eyeball with the Russians about nuclear arms in Cuba once, does anyone think that our current political leadership has the ability to do so again?

Let me add one more piece of news to this, so we can see a fuller picture of what Vladimir Putin is up to. Massive emergency drills are currently taking place in Russia, evacuating 40 million people from their homes and cities as a civil defense exercise.

While such drills are useful as preparation for natural disasters, the exact same drills are needed for military evacuations as well. In fact, these drills will practice radiation, chemical and biological protection of the population, something that speaks more of war, than it does a concern about natural disasters.

Video first seen on Inessa S

With all this going on, one must ask what Putin is preparing for. Could he, in fact, be preparing for World War III? Is Russia on the verge of a European invasion? I remember that as the biggest threat in my military career, as we waited to see if the Soviet Union would try to march to the Atlantic Ocean. It may yet happen.

2. Iran

The country which invented the chant, “Death to America” is still on everyone’s watch list… everyone that is, except our government. It seems that Obama has decided that the Iranians are innocent as lambs, so he’s gone ahead and given them permission to build their own nuclear bombs and even sent them the money to do so.

I guess that, in any other context, Obama’s actions would be seen as treason and he’d either be spending the rest of his life in prison or his life would end prematurely. But somehow, he gets away with these things. So we, the American people, can thank our soon to be former president for making the world a little less safe.

Iran has been on the move, politically speaking, for decades. Their stated desire is to create a world caliphate, much like the plans of ISIS. The big difference is that Iran is an actual country, and ISIS, no matter what they say of themselves, is nothing more than a big terrorist organization.

According to a Hillary Clinton e-mail, leaked by Wikileaks, Iran is only a few weeks away from building a nuclear bomb, their first. If that isn’t enough to give you a shiver, than nothing is. Iranian leaders have stated over and over again their desire to destroy America, followed up by the destruction of Israel.

They have a missile program as well, something else that previous treaties had denied them, but Obama allowed. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) has taken pictures of missile silos in IRAN, which are thought to house missiles with an intercontinental range.

The question isn’t whether Iran would use a nuclear bomb if they had one, but rather how soon they’d use it. Hand in hand with this question is who they would use it against. While the choices are limited to the U.S. and Israel, it’s hard to say which one they would choose. I’d lay my money on them attacking the United States, and in doing so by setting off a high-altitude nuclear burst, in order to generate an EMP, taking out our electric grid and our ability to interfere with their attack against Israel.

3. North Korea

Right now, it’s somewhat of a tossup whether Iran or North Korea is a greater threat to the United States. Both seem on the same path, developing nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. Even more importantly, both have clearly stated their intent to attack and destroy the United States of America.

Kim Jong-Un has always seemed a bit unstable to me. After all, anyone who would have their father killed, so that they could take the throne, has to be unstable.  But when you’re a dictator, you can much more easily get away with that. There are few who are in a position to question your sanity, and those who can are easily eliminated.

North Korea has taken advantage of the elections to declare war on the United States, crossing that line, so that any action they take, can be seen as an act of war, not of terror. In their mind, or at least in the mind of their leader, they have every right to attack us, for the wrongs we’ve committed against them.

I guess stopping them from taking over South Korea was a much bigger blow to their collective ego than what we would normally have expected.

North Korea is already testing both nuclear warheads and long-range missiles. While neither is ready yet for use in an actual attack, they are close. Kim Jong-Un could decide that it’s time to turn against us and destroy us as an enemy.

4. ISIS and the Muslim World

The threat of ISIS hasn’t diminished in the least. If anything, they’re a bigger threat now, than they ever were before. With Obama so busy helping Hillary campaign, they are consolidating their position and spreading out to take new lands all the time.

ISIS has grown to the point where they now have strong points in several countries, outside of Iraq and Syria. Much of the northern coast of Africa is under the influence of ISIS to some extent and they have a sizable influence in countries farther east. While Obama has been sleeping, refusing to admit the danger that ISIS represents to the U.S. and the world, they have been gaining ground in their war of conquest.

They have also been busy around the world, performing terrorist attacks in a wide range of countries. Their more than 30 terrorist acts this year shows that 2016 will be their biggest year for terrorist incidents yet.

Amongst the issues which will be decided by the November election, is how the United States will deal with ISIS in the future. While I doubt that either candidate has a fully formulated plan, they both have the broad strokes of what they want to accomplish.

It’s clear that Clinton will continue to capitulate to them, helping them to grow, while Trump will do what he can to take the war to their doorstep.


Although ISIS is the most militant Muslim group today, we can’t forget about the rest of the Muslim world. We are living in the third jihadist period, and Muslims are on the march. Specifically, they are on the march to take over Europe and the United States, forcing us and our European cousins to submit to Sharia Law or be killed.

The invasion is on in earnest in Europe, as we’ve all seen. Just because we haven’t been hearing about it as much, doesn’t mean that there has been any slowdown in Muslim migration. Syrian refugees in Europe are committing atrocities almost daily, molesting women, being obnoxious, committing crimes and generally trying to force the countries they are living in to adopt provisions of Sharia Law, as a stepping-stone towards converting those countries to Muslim rule.

Another leaked document from Hillary Clinton shows that she is in full support of this invasion and fully intends to increase it if she becomes president. Why should she want that? Is she Muslim? I doubt it, but the one-word cabal, who is trying to usher in the New World Order, is using the Syrian refugee crisis to their benefit, as a tool towards breaking down national borders and pushing the nations of the world one step closer to a one world government.

5. The One-Worlders

I have to include the one-worlders as enemies of our country, as they seek to destroy and dissolve it, merging the United States into their New World Order. Should that happen, we would no longer be the United States of America, but merely a region under the control of the new world government.

Both Obama and Clinton are one-worlders, as well as their financial backer, George Soros. But there is an even bigger, more secretive and more sinister group behind them. That is the Bilderberg Group. This loose-knit group, made up of many of the world’s movers and shakers in business and politics, is the true force behind the one-world movement. As the world’s “elite” they wish to put us all under their rule, so that they can take what is rightfully ours.

This group of people, especially the Bilderburg Group, is literally afraid of a Trump presidency and is actively campaigning against it. They see a danger to their plans in the rise of nationalism that Trump has caused. As such, they are working their nefarious plans out in the shadows, to topple Trump and put Hillary in office, as their choice.

Should this happen, it could mean the end of the United States as we know it. We’ve already seen massive changes under Obama’s presidency. Another four or eight years of the same could spell the end of our freedoms, especially considering that the next president will have the opportunity to appoint as many as four Supreme Court Justices.

Till then, keep your eyes wide opened to these 5 issues. They might change our lives before we know it!


This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.








Written by

Bill White is the author of Conquering the Coming Collapse, and a former Army officer, manufacturing engineer and business manager. More recently, he left the business world to work as a cross-cultural missionary on the Mexico border. Bill has been a survivalist since the 1970s, when the nation was in the latter days of the Cold War. He had determined to head into the Colorado Rockies, should Washington ever decide to push the button. While those days have passed, the knowledge Bill gained during that time hasn’t. He now works to educate others on the risks that exist in our society and how to prepare to meet them. You can send Bill a message at editor [at] survivopedia.com.

Latest comments
  • If you want to know what our enemies are up to, just ask Trump about his buddy Putin!

  • How can a Presidential candidate actually go on Russian T.V. and bad mouth our military and at the same interview kiss up to Putin? You say Russia is an enemy, yet Trump praises Putin? He actually said he wants cyber hacking of our electoral system by the Russians! Isn’t that TREASON?

    • Part of this article is misleading. Trump never said he wanted hacking done to our electoral system. Besides, this has already been done by the Democrats!

      • Just what planet do you live on? He absolutely said he wishes Russia hack our Democratic system of of our election process!

      • Not that it matters anyway, any more. That trump character is 5% down in the polls. No candidate has ever come back from that percent of deficit. , THANK GOD!
        He’s done. He lost. Deal with it! He lost! HE’S DONE! HE LOST! HA-HA HE LOST! HE LOST HE LOST! Ha-Ha! Ha- Ha Ha-Ha HA-HA-HA-HA-HA


  • Money and greed! That is the bottom of the mixing pot. I stood up for the USA and did my best only to end up with a broken heart and constant migraine. I am no longer in love with what once was a convenient place to feel secure in. Money mongers have outlined the last of our days. It is now too late for our beloved country to stand again. My only hope at this time is my faith in God as satan has performed his job well! May God Bless our worthless souls!

    • Ron Keith, I just wanted you to know that there are people like me who still appreciate your service to our country!

  • Whoever will win the presidency the result will be war. The choice is this:
    If Trump wins it will be the USA with Russia against ISIS.
    If Clinton wins it will be the USA with ISIS against Russia.

    A correction is needed for the North Korea part: its leader right now is Kim Jong Un.
    He is much more dangerous than his father Kim Jong Il.

    • Wait! You just said What? USA with Russia against isis? Do you even know what’s going on in Syria?? Russia is NOT bombing isis! Russia is bombing Syria’s citizenry. Haven’t you seen the pictures of the dead and dying children in Aleppo? These civilians, children, are being bombed by Russia. Russia is not bombing isis! I would really like to know where you get these ridiculous ideas? SERIOUSLY, I would really like to know where! I would love to know your news source. I would love to read this dribble in print!

      • S Man eating up what the MSM is feeding him….

  • What’s the point in all the worrying and prepping? Isn’t your God coming to save you? If not, then what kind of a God is he? Yeah, he never showed up in the past, but THIS time it’s going to be different, right? Sure it will…

    • Hey Jen, does the phrase religion is the opiate of the people come to mind?

  • Info all Americans need to read. Falls in with prophesy of last days as written in the Bible.

    • I never read that book. Is it available in paperback?

      • That was a JOKE man! Oh, unless you are like ISIS and kill people if they say anything about their “Holy Book” like what they did in France with “Charlie Hebdo”!

  • Bill,
    Where exactly did you get the quote “Putin has already been quoted as saying that there will be nuclear war, if Clinton wins the election.”?

      OCTOBER 11, 2016 AT 4:10 PM
      Where exactly did you get the quote “Putin has already been quoted as saying that there will be nuclear war, if Clinton wins the election.”?
      Keith, never ask them about their source of the news.
      We all used to play the game “Telephone”, where an original message gets passed by word of mouth down to another and then another and so on until by the time you get to the last person, it’s a completely different message. The same goes for these trump supporters. If it’s not from a “reliable” news source, and in writing, documented and “Fact Checked” it’s really just like a “Telephoned Gamed” message. Pretty much useless, incorrect info! As worthless as any “Fox News” report!

    • Keith, OK if I quote you below?

  • I started reading Survivopedia because I wanted to know about techniques I might use for an off-grid home and lifestyle. I guess we all have different reasons for coming to this website. End of the world, apocalypse, whatever. I didn’t come to this sight to read about political candidates or religious viewpoints.
    Can anyone recommend a website I can go to where I could get INFORMATION and NOT OPINIONS?

  • Is this a TRUMP campaign advertisement ? President Obama gets no credit now but history will show he was one of the best presidents America ‘s ever had. The writer sounds like one of those lowly Republicans who ‘s still upset President Obama won two elections and showed Americans who they really are.

    Thank you

    Leroy Mosley


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nakliyatmalatya evden eve nakliyatmalatya evden eve nakliyatMedyumbmw repair edmontonmersin ofis taşımacılığıeskişehir uydu servisieskişehir uydu servisimalatya sigortalı nakliyatmalatya sigortalı nakliyatistanbul moloz taşımaistanbul moloz taşımamersin evden eve nakliyatmersin ofis taşımacılığımersin ofis taşımacılığımersin ofis taşımamersin ofis taşımaankara asansörlü nakliyatankara asansörlü nakliyatAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika Eşya alanlarAntika Eşya alanlarantikabatman evden eve nakliyatbatman evden eve nakliyatİzmir Medyumeskişehir televizyon tamirieskişehir televizyon tamirieskişehir ev temizliğieskişehir ev temizliğiistanbul evden eve nakliyatistanbul evden eve nakliyatweb sitesi yapımıEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatortodontikadıköy evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattekne kiralamabuy instagram auto likesankara evden eve nakliyatankara evden eve nakliyattarsus evden eve nakliyatistanbul moloz taşımamezitli evden eve nakliyatmezitli evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyatbatman nakliyatbayraklı psikologistanbul balıkesir ambarmersin evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattuzla evden eve nakliyatAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarbankobetEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatyenimahalle evden eve nakliyatyenimahalle evden eve nakliyatkeçiören evden eve nakliyatkeçiören evden eve nakliyatbmw repairpolatlı evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatcintarsus evden eve nakliyattarsus evden eve nakliyateskişehir dış cephe temizliğieskişehir dış cephe temizliğipolatlı evden eve nakliyatpolatlı evden eve nakliyatankara evden eve nakliyatdijital danışmanlıkistanbul eskişehir arası nakliyatistanbul eskişehir arası nakliyatmarsbahis girişmarsbahis girişmarsbahis girişmarsbahis girişcasibom giriş twitterbatman evden eve nakliyatbatman evden eve nakliyattarsus evden eve nakliyatgölbaşı evden eve nakliyatgölbaşı evden eve nakliyatmersin asansörlü nakliyatmersin asansörlü nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattoroslar evden eve nakliyattoroslar evden eve nakliyateskişehir uydu tamirakdeniz evden eve nakliyatmarsbahismarsbahis giriş twittermarsbahis girişmarsbahisantika alan yerlerantika alan yerlerçankaya evden eve nakliyatçankaya evden eve nakliyatmersin asansörlü nakliyatistanbul eskişehir ambaristanbul eskişehir ambarmamak evden eve nakliyatmamak evden eve nakliyateskişehir televizyon tamirieskişehir televizyon tamirigoogle ads çalışmasıkadıköy evden eve nakliyatkadıköy evden eve nakliyatkadıköy evden eve nakliyatgebze evden eve nakliyatgebze evden eve nakliyatgebze evden eve nakliyatmersin ofis taşımamersin ofis taşımamersin ofis taşımaTerea