In the first part of this article we covered the “classical” optical enhancers most folks are used to, like binoculars, monoculars, and spotting scopes.
The human eye is an impressive piece of biological machinery, capable of distinguishing nearly 10 million colors and adjusting focus up to 50 times
If you train to survive confrontations and hostile environments, you should learn that the key principle of fighting effectively is understanding your opponent. In
Many law enforcement officers practice a form of fast draw, preparing for the possibility of having to deal with an armed criminal.
This article is just about EDC layer, which is survival equipment and supplies that people carry in their pockets or wear, aside from clothing.
Firearms are not ideal for staying under the radar due to their noise. Therefore, switching to quieter alternatives is essential
Hopefully, these tips will help acknowledge the reality that living in an urban environment creates openings for conflicts.
The jury is still out on the usefulness of bunkers; at least, as far as I’m concerned. Militarily, the predecessors to bunkers came about
Home security is an important issue, even for those who are not preppers. Nobody wants to have their home broken into and especially not
Although it isn’t considered one of our top survival priorities, self-defense should be right at the top of the list. The reason it isn’t,
In the realm of self-defense, it’s imperative for the mind to remain alert and active, constantly seeking opportunities or strategies to navigate a potentially
In today’s dynamic world, unexpected situations can arise, challenging us to think on our feet and respond appropriately.
Law enforcement officers and emergency service providers are intimately familiar with the enigmatic force known as adrenaline. It floods their lives to a significant
Defending home and family is an important part of survival strategy. We talk about hardening our homes to make them harder to break into,
Unmanned warfare has revolutionized how the military conducts operations in hostile territories, with drones playing a vital role in scouting out locations, observing enemy