How To Survive Without The Pharmacy

Following an emergency or the all-out collapse of society and TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It), medical care and access to pharmaceuticals can become scarce or altogether nonexistent. While this might not be an immediate concern to those who are young, fit and accustomed to enjoying the vitality and good health so common to youth, not everyone can take their health for granted like that. For many people, whether they’re children of a year or grandparents nearing a hundred, medical care is necessary to treat chronic or acute health problems, often with life-threatening consequences.

From high blood pressure, hypertension, and type II diabetes to arthritis, chronic pain, and Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, there are many common health issues you may need to address. Then there are the common issues such as seasonal cold and flu, cuts, bruises, burns and scrapes as well as allergies, fungal and viral infections, bacterial infections, etc. For all these ailments, most people rely on modern medicine, whether by prescription or over-the-counter.

{adinserter emp}Indeed, when we talk about modern medicine, it’s important to remember that we’re not just talking about hospitals or clinics and pharmacies all loaded with prescription medication. During a crisis, it may be a simple over-the-counter medication you need, like Tylenol or Benadryl or even Imodium, but you’ll be lucky if you can find it at all and luckier still if you have something you can trade for it when you need it.

Under ideal circumstances, you’ve already stockpiled enough over-the-counter medication to get you and your family through 4 – 6 months or more. If you or a loved one takes any prescription medication for a life-threatening ailment, try to get extra prescriptions from the doctor to keep a 90 – 120 day supply (or more) of such necessary medications.

Oftentimes attaining extra prescriptions can be problematic for patients, and sometimes medication simply doesn’t last very long, but in either case you will eventually run out of medication if a crisis or disaster lasts long enough. What then? For many people, that may simply be the end of the line.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of serious health conditions, and when the medication runs out there are a lot of people with heart disease, respiratory problems, diabetes or other illnesses that will quickly spiral out of control and lead to death.

There will even be people succumbing to malnutrition, opportunistic infections, common diseases and blood poisoning that sets in from infected wounds. You don’t have to be among those people. Not only can you stock up now on common over-the-counter medications (think Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Benadryl and Imodium, etc.) but you can also stockpile antibiotics legally and without a prescription.

A little known fact that has gained increasing popularity in recent years is that many of the medications sold in farm supply stores and at vets around the country (and online) are identical to the medications handed out by pharmacists for human use.

Common examples include many aquatic lines of antibiotics that are marketed for fish (with off-label instruction for dosing cats and dogs as well) such as FishMox (amoxicillin) and FishPen (penicillin). You don’t need a prescription to purchase these medications, and to verify the content you can enter the unique pill code (imprinted on each pill) into a free USP (U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention) directory online.

Best of all, however, you can arm yourself with knowledge about the aids and remedies that exist in nature. With a long history of use in folk medicine and traditional Chinese as well as Indian medicine, many herbs and plants have centuries of anecdotal evidence for their efficacy, while modern science has begun to catch up and confirm much of this ancient knowledge.

For high blood pressure, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases or disorders of the heart, there are a number of recommended herbs, including:

  • Hawthorn has a long history of use as a tonic for the heart and cardiovascular system. Leaves and berries can be used dried or fresh to steep fresh tea for drinking; hawthorn is known for lowering blood cholesterol levels, inducing restful sleep, reducing blood pressure and relieving the pain associated with angina.
  • Cinnamon in doses as low as 2 – 6 grams per day has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels by anywhere from 10% – 30%+ in as little as 40 days. In addition to reducing LDL levels, cinnamon also regulates blood glucose levels.
  • Beets are enormously healthy for the cardiovascular system and the heart in general. Eaten raw, cooked into your meals, or shredded and juiced to be drunk, beets are a nutritious and super healthy option for strengthening your heart.

For chronic pain, arthritis, and other inflammatory disorders, some of the top natural remedies include:

  • Turmeric or more specifically curcumin has been shown to have immense potency as an anti-inflammatory agent and has long been used as a treatment for arthritis and other inflammatory disorders in Chinese and Indian medicine.
  • Topical application of a poultice, ointment or balm containing cayenne, jalapeno, habanero, or other hot pepper may relieve pain associated with inflammation.
  • Honey has been used for thousands of years for its potency as an antibacterial, antifungal and antibiotic agent; honey can be applied topically to wounds to speed healing and aid in keeping the wound clean, and can also be taken internally in doses of 1 – 3 tablespoons per day for its anti-inflammatory effects. A particularly popular remedy for arthritis is to mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and take 1 – 3 times a day.

When antibiotics are unavailable but needed, you can turn again to nature for several very potent replacements. Some of the best antibiotics in nature include:

  • Garlic is the source of a potent compound known as allicin, but garlic doesn’t actually contain any allicin until it is crushed or cut. After being crushed or cut, an enzyme in garlic (allinase) comes into contact with a compound called alliin and then allicin is formed. Allicin breaks down very quickly, so fresh garlic should be eaten soon after crushing or cutting it. Garlic is very safe for internal consumption in most people, but should be used carefully in topical applications due to its ability to burn skin.
  • Honey was mentioned briefly for chronic pain, inflammation and arthritis, but deserves a mention here as well, on account of its ancient history and use as a topical antiseptic, antibiotic and healing aid. Due to its antibacterial properties, honey has even been used in some hospitals to contain the spread of MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus); pretty impressive for the product of bees.
  • Tea tree oil is extracted from a tree native to Australia, so you probably won’t find it after SHTF, but if you can stock up on it beforehand, tea tree is reasonably affordable and is a potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent that promotes healing. Natives of Australia have used tea tree oil and poultices made from the bark of the tree for centuries and recent science has corroborated much of the anecdotal evidence.

In addition to the healing benefits of the plants listed above, there are many herbs and common garden plants that are either edible and/or can be steeped into health-promoting teas. Practically all common kitchen herbs, from peppermint, lemon balm and sage to rosemary, thyme and oregano have medicinal benefits of their own and can be steeped into pleasing teas. Meanwhile, during sick spells a touch of ginger tea or some chamomile tea with honey can do wonders.

These are just some of the many remedies available from nature. No doubt, you probably know a few traditional old remedies you picked up over the years or learned from your grandparents; feel free to share your suggestions and knowledge in the comments below.

new SMD02

This article has been written by Gaia Rady for Survivopedia.

Disclaimer: The opinions voiced by Gaia Rady, are her own and are not meant to take the place of seeking medical help from your healthcare provider. The practice of medicine without a license is illegal and punishable by law. Seek modern and standard medical care whenever and wherever it is available.


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  • I use a lto of herbs, What is goo fir a thyroid condition. What herb do you use for that.

    • I don’t know about herbs for a synthroid replacement – but I do know you can buy pig thyroid at most stores like GNC — You would have to do some research on how much would be equivalent to your current dose. I do have to take synthroid, as I have NO thyroid, due to cancer. So its something I have started looking into. Any info you get please share with me.

      • Sea weed is also a toner for the thyroid. Coconut oil would be beneficial in that it is an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. It is a skin and hair conditioner and can relieve the sting of athletes foot in a matter of minutes and indeed cure it within a week of persistent use. Of course, look for organic ( and transfer to a plastic container. It is super healthy to ingest on a daily basis, too.

    • This works for both Hypothyroidism AND Hyperthyroidism.
      Eleuthero (Common Names: Siberian Ginseng, devil’s shrub, devil’s root, touch-me-not.

    • I have low thyroid and am not planning nor depending on herbs I can’t find locally. With low thyroid, the body needs iodine to process the messages from the brain. While i can’t speak to which herbs might help. (haven’t found them locally yet) I can tell you that pinto and navy beans are high in iodine and filling too. In disaster events, eating will be more important, but check which greens you eat with your beans *which provide balance with the beans for diabetics* Kold crops like spinach, cabbage, kale and broccoli all contain goiterogens which cancel out what the beans give the thyroid. Do search out which local plants don’t contain this component, plan for using that and live longer and healthier.
      This doesn’t mean you can’t eat those greens containing the goiterogens, just means to eat moderately or sparingly depending on how your body reacts. *Note: For those with thyroid challenges, keep a thermometer handy—take temp morning before getting out of bed and night time before sleeping. That will give you a heads up about how your thyroid is doing similar to what diabetics do with their testing meter. *

  • Hot toddys for colds. Hot tea, honey, lemon juice, whiskey.

  • For the Thyroid:
    Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwaganda Coleus forskohlii.

    However, because dosage amounts must be individually determined and monitored, you should work with a physician skilled in alternative medicine.

  • The best product to have in case of a (SHTF) situation is MMS…MMS is Sodium Chlorite and when mixed with Lemon,Lime Juice or best is citric acid… it then turns into Chlorine Dioxide. and Clorine dioxide is the most powerful Pathogen killer known to man… I injest some every night at bedtime. I mix up about 10 drops of MMS and 10 drops of 50% citric acid and put it in a 2 oz spray bottle and fill with distilled water. I then spray it on anything that needs an antiseptic and it keeps wounds sterilized. go to www dot jimhumble dot biz to read about MMS.

  • This topic is of great interest to me as we have asthma and COPD in our family unit and you cannot get doctors to prescribe a bunch of nebulizer meds or rescue inhalers in advance. If anyone has any links to in-depth articles on natural remedies and specifically for respiratory disorders, or any recommendations, please post them!

    • Top tip go to Earth Clinic and be amazed and inspired—-best site for natural remedies.
      Get a colloidal silver machine… and repeatable total spectrum antibiotic.
      Use hydrogen peroxide,colloidal silver and MMS (careful to let citric acid and sodium chlorite mix and sit for couple minutes before diluting ) in a nasal spray,and inhale 5-6 times sharply and deeply into lungs when spraying onto back of throat. This clears both pneumonia and pig flue ( lungs are filled up and drowning in mucous.) Check this one on YOU TUBE for fine-tuning the method ..its example in using hydrogen peroxide but I have tried all three….very potent and economical.
      Stock up on these items,very economical when used this way for flu,virus,colds etc
      COLLOIDAL SILVER<HYDROGEN PEROXIDE<MMS (Jim Humble…You Tube again Avalon video is good.
      Intestinal motility go for psyllium hulls.

      • Simmone,
        We are already making colloidal silver with success. What are the proportions of peroxide and what percentage of peroxide are you using.

        My use would be for bronchials, coughing.

    • I have been working with a lot of different things to try to handle respritory ailments. The two best I have found are, #1. Boil water for a cup of tea. Combine 1/4 tsp Rosemary, 1/4 tsp basil and 1/2 tsp Thyme in a coffee filter sealed with a rubberband and steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink hot once or twice daily. It works wonders. You can mix this with either a green tea or chamomile tea bag if you like. #2 combine 3 Tbsp honey with 1 tsp course ground pepper and seal container. Whenever coughing or wheezing becomes bothersom, slowly swallow 1 tsp of mixture. Can be taken about 6 times a day. Also a great aide.

  • What I would need most is something that would keep me from urinary incontinence. I would need something to keep my intestines functioning properly as well. The rest is imaterial compared to these things. Any ideas?

  • What I’d need most is something to keep me from chronic incontinence. Also I need something to keep my intestines working properly, (this is also chronic). The rest is imaterial compared to these. Any idea’s?

  • You can stock up on meds that you would normally need at your local pharmacy. If you want to get stuff that would normally need a script from a doc (antibiotics, pain killers, and the like), you can go to your local feed store and pick up veterinary meds. Use the dosages for a pig of the same weight as the patient. Just keep in mind the possible side effects, interactions, and allergies to such meds as well as expiration dates.

  • fir inrestine problem Tom browns guide to wild edible and medicinal plans recommends burdock, and catnip, burdock tea from root or leaves. start off with a weak tea made from leaves soaked in water for four hours. Make a stroger tea by soaking it eight hours, take one half a cup twice a day. he recommends that all beginners go easy on internal medicinal teas. Catnip is a little more complicated. Collect the leaves before the flower heads develop or after it goes to seed, early spring or late beginnig of late fall, Use a palmful of broken leaves to a cup of boiling water for weak teak, two palmfuls for string teas.and simmer for 15 minutes. I find his advice to be consistent withothers but I would have trouble identifying the plants – excet burdock-from his drawngs and descriptions

  • What about those of us who no longer have a thyroid gland and have to take persciptions to stay alive? Is there an herbal remedy?

  • Natural aloe vera is a tremendous remedy for both topical considerations, as well as, internal. A very soothing treatment for burns, cuts, bruises, and many skin conditions, it also demonstrates considerable pain-reducing capabilities. Affected areas heal quickly with no infection. Internally, it is very effective for ulcers, heart burn, constipation, hemorrhoids and is also considered an effective blood thinner. Aloe vera can be grown in virtually any well-drained soil, in any place where temperatures do not go below 45 degrees F.

  • Just learned one that works: If your nose is always congested in the mornings, eat a slice of jalapeno on a soda cracker. It will clear you right up, cracker cuts the heat of the pepper, and you can breath again.
    Ginger is great for indigestion and you can plant and grow your own in a flower pot just from a piece you buy in the vegetable department of the grocery.
    If you have chest congestion, you can take a spoonful of whiskey and hold it in your mouth. Breath in the fumes with out swallowing. It relaxes the bronchial tubes and helps you to then cough up the mucus. I suppose you can swallow it when you are done, that would be up to you.
    I just read an article that said that colloidal silver increases the potency of antibiotics.

  • This is one of those things I find myself thinking about. I have Epilepsy and there isn’t some kind of otc or herbal remedy to stock up on and while my insurance pays most of the cost of my extremely expensive medication, it is something that they won’t give you an excess supply of since it is so expensive per pill(and I take two meds daily)so I keep wondering what my medical plan would be…sigh. This isn’t something I am going to die from w/o meds, but it would make life, frankly, extremely difficult on a daily basis. My husband has had me searching medical sites to see if there are any alternative treatments that actually work, but it is just one of those things that you can’t really control w/o meds. If anyone has any idea of where I should look, I would appreciate it. Have a nice day 🙂

    • Search
      John Hopkins cure for epilepsy
      Ketogenic Diet

  • Does anyone know remedies for keeping prostate in check. All so check out doterra pure oils for controlling alot of health issues.

    • Dr Schulze for Male Formula, Prostrate Formula, and Super Ginseng: 3 herbal drops for daily use to improve and nourish bladder, prostate, and male reproductive system.

      No faith in doterra for stealing proprietary information from Young Living, then going into direct competition against them. Very bad karma coming to them for their dishonorable behavior.

    • oops “Prostate”

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