Like many people, I’m a big fan of action movies. I don’t care if the good guy is beating up the bad guy with
Disaster scenarios and quasi-collapse scenarios all affect essential functions of life. The ability to maintain safe food storage and preparation at all times is
The modern concept of food storage or stockpiling was born of farmers, especially pioneer farmers, who brought the necessities to build a homestead with
All too often, when people get snowed in, they’re snowed in without power, without heat, and possibly even without water.
When I think of survival, I’m planning on my whole family, even those who aren’t living at home anymore.
It is necessary to have hidden storage areas to keep your survival resources safe and secure from theft.
As much as you may enjoy the convenience of central heating and cooling, they are an absolute nightmare when power and fuel are not
There has been so much written about surviving the aftermath of a TEOTWAWKI event. This is, in part, because preparing for such an event
For most of us, our homes are a key part of our survival strategy. Our “Plan A” is to bug in, staying home through
When facing a SHTF event, preppers fall into two categories: those who prefer to fortify their homes and stay put (bugging in) and those
In a world of constant uncertainty, prepping has shifted from the fringe to a mainstream necessity. While rural preppers find solace in nature, urban
The jury is still out on the usefulness of bunkers; at least, as far as I’m concerned. Militarily, the predecessors to bunkers came about
There seem to be two options we talk about in the prepping and survival community: bugging in and bugging out. When we talk about
For a question that is so fundamental to emergency preparedness, this question is not easy to answer.
In an unpredictable world, there’s a quiet strategy that countless households employ, offering them a semblance of security and readiness: stockpiling. From severe weather