HomeFOODCooking (Page 5)


What many of us don’t realize is that just as food can nourish us, it can also kill us. Learn how to prepare your

Cooking from scratch is easier than you think and is a great way to prepare a healthy, nourishing meal your loved ones will enjoy.

From mouth-watering chili to delicious vanilla ice-cream, here are four tasty recipes you can cook off-grid in a haybox.

The cowboys and settlers did it because they only had the luxury of one pot on the trail. We do it today because there

Do you need a quick bread, easy to cook over a campfire? Then you need some bannock! Here is how to cook bannock for

This is a good list to use when stockpiling for winter weeks ahead. Follow our tips to get the best offers on the market!

Having a balanced diet is pretty much of a challenge considering the limitations one has to face in a survival situation. What would you

DIY skills are essential for a prepper, but there are items you should rather buy than DIY. A solar oven is one of them,

With a little practice, cooking on a solar oven is a piece of cake. These 7 mouth-watering recipes are exactly what you'll need to

A quick look at history will show that our ancestors depended on this staple crop. This food has fed countless people and animals throughout

Many people today feel it is best to go back to the diet our ancestors consumed. Here are five basic Paleo recipes to keep

When confronted with a survival situation when SHTF, what's the best thing you can do? Just look back into our history.

There are many options for survival foods for vegetarians; you just have to be a bit more creative and prepare ahead a bit more.

It’s easy enough to make as long as you live near maple or birch trees and it stores extremely well – for years if

If you want to preserve all of the food that you’ve worked so hard on, you’re going to need these items for prepping your