Prep Blog Review: Is Your Fortress SHTF Ready?

We’ve talked food and water preparedness, medical preparedness, guns and all but what about shelter? When SHTF this is where we’ll either bug in or head to when we bug out into the wilderness, so it makes perfect sense to pay extra attention to it.

This week we stumbled upon some great reads on how to have your shelter all set up when SHTF. And if you have any other suggestions please let us know in the comments section below!

1. Root Cellars: The Basics

Prep 1“Depending on where you live in the world, you can expect a nearly constant temperature of between 50 and 60ᵒ F (10-16ᵒ C) at between 4 and 15 feet below ground level. Below 20 feet, the temperature is equal to the mean annual air temperature at that latitude.

Did you get all that, in other words, a root cellar, with everything else being equal, dug at between 4 and 15 feet below ground level will act as a chiller for produce and other perishable items. Below ground can also mean dug into the side of a hill.”

Read more on Prep for SHTF.

2. Planning for Natural Disaster: What Will Your Family Do?

Prep 2“What would you do if a disaster hit right now?

In case of a fire, flood or other natural disaster, does your family know what to do and where to go?

It is very important for your family to sit down and discuss a natural disaster plan in case something were to happen.

The quicker you get this done, the better off your family will be – you never know when disaster may strike!

Tips for Sheltering in Place During Natural Disaster

Depending on the disaster and your location, you may be able to bug-in. If you are not directly in the path of the disaster, staying put may be your best option

Copyright © 2014 – Survival at Home – Read more at:

Read more on Survival at Home.

3. How Often to Change Air Filters

prep 3“Do you know how often to change air filters? I am talking about the furnace and air conditioning air filters  in your home.

My cute neighbor called me to come over and help her figure out what was wrong with her air conditioner since she couldn’t get it turn on.

Here’s the deal, I absolutely love to figure out why something does or does not work.

I want to know how to turn off the water lines, gas line or where the breakers are located, etc. I really think it’s because I am left-handed. I am not sure.”

Read more on Food Storage Moms.

4. The Solar Panels Are Up!

prep 4“It has been a couple of months now since our panels have been up and running. I thought I’d catch you all up on our exciting progress.

Let me just say straight out that I’m still learning how to use this system and how everything works.

I’m going to try to explain everything to you to the best of my knowledge, or as I understand it.”

Read more on New Life on a Homestead.

5. The Recycled Houses – What Could They Possibly Do With All That Junk?

prep 5About 12 years ago, Dan Phillips started Phoenix Commotion, a construction business in his hometown, Huntsville, Tex., where he builds low-income housing out of salvaged items.

So far, he has built 14 homes on lots either purchased or received as a donation. A self-taught carpenter, electrician and plumber, Mr. Phillips said 80 percent of the materials are salvaged from other construction projects, hauled out of trash heaps or just picked up from the side of the road.”

Read more on Off Grid Quest.


This article has been written by Brenda E. Walsh for Survivopedia.

Written by

Brenda E. Walsh loves nature and all its wonders and has took up gardening as well as canning whatever thrives in her urban mini-garden, being especially interested in herbs and spices. She also loves animals, traveling, walking long distances, hikes and reading. You can send Brenda a message at editor [at]

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