What Are the Most and Least Dangerous U.S. States in a SHTF Scenario?

The world is an uncertain place, and recent events in the world drove home the vulnerabilities many have. Finding creative ways to relieve yourself without toilet paper is the least of your worries if the grid were to collapse, taking with it communication capabilities and stopping supply chains altogether, not just slowing them down. If the SHTF, how safe are you and your loved ones where you are? Where are the best and worst places to be?

Humans have divorced themselves so completely from the natural world that they forget the role climate and resources play in survival. However, the greatest danger you face might come from the human animal. Here are the most and least dangerous U.S. states in a SHTF scenario.

SHTF Scenarios Defined: How Likely Are They?

First, take a deep breath — it’s unlikely that a global SHTF scenario will result in an apocalyptic collapse of all modern civilization. While it’s fine to prep for such circumstances, you’ll probably experience localized disasters, such as hurricanes.

Others may be more widespread, like pandemics, but not so devastating that all is lost. Nevertheless, the following seven situations are SHTF scenarios for which you should be ready:

  • Job loss: This is particularly frightening in the gig economy and as social safety nets shrink.
  • Regional disasters: This includes hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, tornadoes and floods.
  • Economic collapse: It’s either increasingly likely or unlikely, depending on which economists you follow.
  • Cyberattacks: Modern reliance on technology to run the grid creates vulnerabilities.
  • Pandemic: Humanity is now well-versed — but have you begun prepping for the next one?
  • War: People in the U.S. have been insulated from war’s true horrors, but this is one of the most frightening SHTF scenarios. Rising divisiveness increases its likelihood.
  • Critical power failure: Nearly everything people do requires electricity — what happens when there is none for days, weeks or longer?

Factors to Consider in a SHTF Scenario

Your first consideration in a SHTF scenario is whether to go or stay where you are. How well you prepare helps determine your answer, as supplies reign supreme — a well-stocked storm cellar is a blessing. However, if you haven’t had a chance to become a proper squirrel, you might have to hit the road in search of what you need to survive.

When selecting your escape route, you must consider the following four factors for the journey and ultimate destination.

1. Climate

It’s vital to keep the weather in mind when traveling. When on vacation, you know you can head home if things get too uncomfortable. You don’t have that option in a SHTF scenario — leaving home means staying is more dangerous than going. You’re about to gain a whole new appreciation of unhoused individuals’ daily struggles.

Even with a vehicle to break the elements, you’ll need plenty of blankets and warmers in the winter. If you only have enough cash for one survival tool and know you’ll likely need to travel, a small propane heater can be a lifesaver. Of course, if you’re trekking through the Arizona desert in July, you have the opposite problem — water will become your most pressing need. You’ll need at least a gallon per day, and that’s if you can find shade and travel at night.

There’s also the risk your ride will break down or you’ll encounter an obstacle you can’t bypass, like a severely flooded roadway. Dress in layers and have a well-stocked bugout backpack ready if you must travel by foot.

2. Availability of Resources

Modern humans head to grocery stores when they need food. However, you probably can’t get there in a SHTF scenario — and attempting it could be dangerous if looting runs rampant. You’re in for an unpleasant awakening if you’ve never experienced genuine hunger.

Fortunately, you can forage even in urban areas. However, it’s safer in the wilds since there’s less risk of pesticides and chemicals. If you don’t have a dime to put toward prepping, at least learn what local plants you can eat in a pinch. You can also hunt to meet your daily caloric needs.

3. Natural Threats

Weather and hunger pose your greatest natural threats. Still, it helps to study the terrain along your escape route. For example, what critters might you encounter if you head to the wilds?

4. Human-made Threats

Your biggest threats in a SHTF scenario may be your fellow humans. Desperation drives people to behavioral extremes, and even the most law-abiding soul will steal a loaf of bread to assuage starvation without caring who else they deprive.

The threats amplify if you’re female or disabled — it’s an unfortunate reality. Another way to prepare if you have no money is to learn how to defend yourself. Although it’s best to attend live training and run through drills with a qualified instructor, there are plenty of free channels on YouTube with techniques you can practice with a partner. If you’re comfortable using a weapon, train with it regularly to make its use intuitive in a pinch.

The Most Dangerous U.S. States in a SHTF Scenario

You may not have had the time, money or resources to stock your home for survival. Perhaps you’re planning on relocating with potential SHTF scenarios in mind. What are the best and worst places to be? Here are the most dangerous U.S. states to be in during a disaster.

1. Major Metro Areas

The first spot on this list isn’t a specific state — it’s more regional than that. Regardless of your state, major metro areas are your worst bets in a SHTF scenario. Consider this: In the past 50 years alone, more Americans have died from gunfire than in all the U.S. wars combined. It’s not an exaggeration to say other humans may pose your biggest survival threat.

There’s also safety in numbers with those you can trust. If you reside in the city, your best prepping bet may be to organize your core posse, coordinating where you will all meet if evacuation becomes necessary.

Stocking your home for supplies is still valuable — it will help you survive SHTF scenarios like job loss, pandemics and regional disasters of limited scope where cleanup efforts take weeks. However, the sheer hordes of people in cities assure there will be plenty who don’t take such measures and will seek what you have if circumstances become dire enough. Prepare to stay, but plan to go.

2. Florida

Florida sees more than its fair share of natural disasters, so it deserves the No. 1 spot on this list outside urban jungles.

3. New York

Parts of New York are quite rural — and gorgeous. The problem is the severe weather extremes in such areas. Sections of the state are tucked between the Great Lakes and Atlantic seaboard, which are among the snowiest regions in the U.S. Even the hardiest survivalist struggles in a blinding blizzard.

4. California

What makes California so dangerous is its population size. It’s the nation’s most populous state, with an economy larger than many small countries. An economic collapse here could lead to severe repercussions, and while there are plenty of helpful folks, there are also more hell-bent on causing chaos and harm.

5. Texas

You might want a firearm for self-defense, but not every user is responsible or humane. Texas has more mass shootings than any other state, and the U.S. leads the world in these events. There are plenty of open spaces, but is it worth the risk? Furthermore, in 2018, Texas had the most motor vehicle fatalities, followed closely by California. You could find your escape route hopelessly deadlocked.

The Least Dangerous States

Where should you go to reduce your risk and increase your survival chances? Here are the four least dangerous states in the U.S. in a SHTF scenario.

1. New Mexico

Two factors make New Mexico the ideal place to be in a SHTF scenario: climate and population. Plenty of wide-open land with no one on it gives you ample areas to boondock until some semblance of normalcy returns. Although the northern part of the state sees extreme cold, driving south for a few hours puts you squarely in the sunshine.

2. Arizona

Arizona is more populous than New Mexico but still offers plenty of wide, open spaces. You’ll also find some of the best boondock camping anywhere if you must flee the Phoenix or Tucson metro areas. You’ll enjoy the perfect climate, as you’re always within a few hours’ drive of comfort.

3. Montana

Extreme cold poses a threat here, but you’ll find plenty of open lands that teem with natural resources. Hunters can survive quite nicely.

4. Utah

The deserts of Utah don’t see as much snow as the mountains. Temperature extremes aren’t too severe in some regions, and abundant campsites and natural resources exist.

Written by

Martin Banks writes about survival, gear, and the outdoors. He’s also the Editor-in-Chief of Modded.

Latest comments
  • This is pure conjecture. An opinion on your part. You state some valid points and ideas.
    But, any and/or all of them could change based on the SHTF Scenario?
    Just an example…If and when SHTF…All the leftylibpinkofagweirdos will shortly thereafter cease to exist. The mentally deranged will run into the same issue. T
    here may be some mass shootings in the beginning but they will be ended…permanently, without the cowardly police leadership to protect them. I suspect 2 or 3, because they are not that smart, so it will take a couple to teach them that this won’t be tolerated any longer.
    The bleeding hearts will be to busy stopping their own bleeding to have their sorry backs.
    The District of Columbia will be ‘THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE IN AMERICA’, for politicians…fish in a barrel.
    Following what I’m putting down?

    • Lolololol! Leftylinpinkofagweirdos? Best reply ever, thanks for the laugh

    • Amen. Mike. As we get closer to the election date, I see a few more “Harris” campaign yard signs popping up in yards. I wonder why Harris supporters are so excited to to have one of their tax rates go up 44%. Did they sleep through their classes on the second world war? Socialism doesn’t work! There will always be the “haves” and the “have nots.” Maybe they are looking forward to being told what they can and can not do. How much money they can have or how much gas they can use. They won’t be able to stock up on anything, if they can even find what they are looking for. Don’t they realize that they will NOT be able to keep most of what they now have??? They will be told how much money they can have and where to live. You don’t get your cake and get to eat it to, in a socialist setting. Maybe they just haven’t let it sink in as to why everyone wants to come to America. If we turn to socialism, ALL THAT CHANGES!! THEY THINK TRUMP IS A BAD MAN??? FOOLS. HISTORY WILL BE REPEATING ITSELF AGAIN IF THE HARRIS VOTERS DONT DO THEIR HOMEWORK. TRUMP IS NOT THE ENEMY. HE’S THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN HELP. DOESNT MATTER IF YOU DON’T LIKE HIM. IVE HAD BOSSES I DIDNT LIKE, BUT THEY COULD MAKE COMPANIES PROSPER BECAUSE THEY KNEW THE GAME!TRUMP WILL MAKE SURE YOU KEEP WHAT YOU HAVE. HE WILL MAKE THIS COUNTRY BETTER. SOCIALISM WILL TEAR THIS COUNTRY APART. THERE WILL NO LONGER BE PRIVATELY OWNED ANYTHING. HARRIS VOTERS YOU WILL BE MAKING THE BIGGEST MISTAKE IN OUR HISTORY, AS A FREE COUNTRY. PLEASE RESEARCH HARRIS’ POLICIES. DONT FALL FOR THE DECEPTION!!


  • I’m from the Midwest and lived in Florida for 44 years.
    Without air conditioners and ice makers, Florida would empty out. Without mosquito control people would die off by the millions.
    If there’s a SHTF scenario where power goes down, I couldn’t agree more that Florida would become a killing field.

    With all that’s going on in the world, it’s time to put Florida in the rear view mirror.

    • Geez…how did people survive before air conditioning, ice makers, and mosquito trucks?

      I was born in Florida, and lived there a total of 37 years before moving to New Mexico, and then to Arizona. I grew up without air conditioning, and didn’t have air conditioning until I was 26. My parents had never had it until a couple of years after I did. My dad’s mom went most of her life without it, and was in her early 80s before she even allowed my dad (after he insisted) to install a window unit. We were just used to it, and it was no big deal.

      I survived fine without an icemaker, and never even had an icemaker until I bought my house in New Mexico. Even then, I didn’t want one, but it just happened to come with the refrigerator I picked.

      And mosquito control? I spent 20 years living (and working) in Florida phosphate country, a huge part of central Florida where manmade ponds and lakes left over from phosphate mining far outnumber natural ponds and lakes. And many of them mined before 1970, when regulations didn’t require reclamation, have stagnant water, where mosquitos love to breed. Yes, I survived mosquitos just fine, as have a huge majority of Floridians.

      With Florida having relatively easy access to drinking water, abundant fising resources, natural plant life for year round food, the ability to grow crops during winter which doesn’t happen in most states, a very significant amount of small game, and mild winters, I’d rather be surviving in Florida than where I’m at now in Arizona.

    • former miamian here. one who agrees that worst disaster to hit florida is invention of air conditioning.

      redneck and hispanic portions of florida alike both have a lot of people who know how to do a lot of different stuff. butchering hog kind of stuff. the transplants/snowbirds/retirees? less so. tho lots of former military.

      florida has horrible drivers and tons of crime. strangely tho, the lot of crime part could actually be a plus in shtf situation. we’re allowed to keep guns, and to defend ourselves with them. we’re used to things being crazy already. unless it involves snow/ice, there are few things floridians have not already seen.

      mosquitoes and insects? there are plants which naturally repel them. it’s not a perfect solution, tho it makes being outdoors tolerable. heat+humidity? oh yeah. probably 80% of florida’s real estate will turn into a mold infested ruin. your chances of making it thru summer are best in old school style house: think large windows w adjustable shutters, wraparound porches, tree shade. separate building apart from house for cooking/kichen. hurricanes? i like concrete block (or wraparound concrete) + steel construction + tied down roofing myself. tho sadly, that’s not common, OR is located in risky neighborhoods.

      when it comes to real estate, florida IS the land of “Buyer Beware”. absolutely be so.

  • The way Arizona borders are being overrun right now, it’s no longer a safe place to live. I agree about choosing a climate you can survive in, but I’ll stay in the UP where we get 6 months of cold and snow. Lots of gun toting Trump loving patriots here.

    • I disagree 100% about the majority of Floridians surviving under the conditions you’ve described.

      You’re going to have a huge advantge over most of the current residents who would start packing if it were in the summer and the AC quit working..

      I’m not saying Florida isn’t a place certain survival types wouldn’t not only survive, but would thrive.

      I am saying the place would empty out voluntarily and via sickness and heat exhaustion and the subject of dysentery from flies breeding off all the garbage hasn’t been introduced into the conversation.

      When garbage service stops and idiots keep throwing their garbage anywhere, the windows get opened and the screens aren’t in place or damaged because their windows haven’t been opened in years, natural selection would wipe out millions.

      From my understanding, the majority of the population would die off from dysentery in the first 6 months.

      I’m talking about the summer months which is the great equalizer.

      Florida is a harsh place to live in the summer months, but it’s doable and a paradise for that small population who know how to live off the land and in harmony with nature.

      • However, I disagree Florida is not a good place to live because of natural disasters. Hurricanes can be managed, it’s the poor construction over the past 80 years that’s causing problems.

  • Haha,ha, “Leftylibpinkofagweirdos” is so hilarious and so accurate!

  • Something that is, unfortunately, not adequately addressed by the author when assessing states for survival purposes is the extraordinarily important issue of water availability. If the aqueducts stop flowing–and they will if there is no power–states like Arizona and California (at least a huge part of both) will experience massive problems in obtaining access to water from reservoirs, initially, and from rainfall after the reservoirs are emptied.

    In general, coastal areas in Southern California, say, perhaps 60 miles inland, do not see measurable rainfall from mid-October to mid-April. Areas further east are mostly worse. Southern Arizona has its summer monsoons, but for most of the year, Southern Arizona sees no appreciable rainfall. In both states, depending on capturing rain from roofs is simply not a year-round option, nor is it a viable survival strategy for anything but the short term.

    • That is a great observation.
      I live in Florida and I’ve been rainwater harvesting for about four years and have found out there’s a lot of rain for use and I store lots of water during the spring, summer and early fall.. From about December to late April to early May, it’s about as dry as Arizona, where I lived for two years.
      The solution to not running dry is 3000+ storage capacity or a deep well that gets down into the Florida aquifer.

  • I’ll take my chances in the Midwest prairie and low lands. Plenty of fresh water, fish, birds, and a rather short, but quite abundant growing season. There are many trees, caves, hill sides, and thick brush to make living places. There are row crop fields, ponds, and lots of mammal life. Preparations for winter are necessary, however, there are an abundance of resources to work with. I prefer Illinois, at least a hundred miles from Chicago, or Missouri, Indiana, or Kentucky. There are reasons settlers did very well in these places.

  • Those big snowstorms and cold winters helps to keep tropical vibrants away. They will come for free stuff, but will not tolerate the weather without handouts

    • horrible winters are nature provided rent control and crime control. for sure!

  • The Middle and Upper Regions of New York State are not only rural Farm land, but also offers great hunting and fishing that can enable people to get by quite well. People there are much more fiscally and socially conservative than those in the Cities, regardless if the City is New York, Buffalo, or Rochester. Cities seem to be magnets for those social misfits, drifters, gripers, slackers, and scam artists, and these people will not do well when the meal tickets such as Welfare, EBT cards, and Free Lunches all come to a sudden stop. The Police Departments and Sheriff’s Offices are all supported by the residents in these areas, and many people would volunteer to help them if they were asked.

    I also noted what another Poster had written. Without hand-outs from Uncle Scam, and Liberals in State Government, these tropical dwellers will most likely leave areas like New York and New Jersey,. as well as New England, because the winters are too severe for them to adapt.

  • I think the water issue is just as important as the cold frosty winter farther north. The desert areas mentioned as ideal climatesi might not be so ideal in SHTF situation where one has to find his own water

  • No one thinks about the 5 territories that the US has control of… Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, The Marshal Islands and American Samoa. Most of these territories are in temperate zones with warm weather and plenty of natural food… MOst are covered by Jungle and provide lots of natural resources…

    • all those places likely have enough military and former military who would say “why go back?” if/when things fall apart. so that’s a plus.

      tho Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are rather dangerous as-is, and similar to hawaii, in that i can’t picture the locals staging a love fest for mainlanders.

      • American Samoa is the only US territory in the Southern Hemisphere…. Most of the nukes will be exploded in the Northern Hemisphere, and most of the radiation will stay in the Northern Hemisphere higher latitudes…

  • New Mexico, what a joke !!!!!! I am in rural Texas with no large cities close by. Water, wild game and a good field of fire. We can carry open or concealed.

    • Yep. We live in a big-ass state. No way to generalize such a diverse state this large. The metro areas do fit the example #1, but the areas west of I-35 are every bit as safe as NM and AZ, and a hell of a lot more conservative.

  • I’ve lived in Texas since 1981 and there are plenty of acres uninhabited or very few people around. I like that! I, also, practice my 2nd amendment rights every time I left my home. Being a 69yr old woman (with all family gone now) I only have myself to depend on. And, I feel much safer carrying when I left the house. I feel much safer & it helps that feeling of fear because I am unable to physically protect myself. It was much worse when I lived in Dallas. The only reason I felt somewhat safe is because I was much younger. Dallas became a hellhole, IMHO. We had to leave! My mother grew up there. But we moved to a much smaller town in West Texas and my gun beside my hear helps me sleep very well. Thank you! But I do believe the best thing to do in a SHTF scenario, the first thing I would do is get outta Dodge and quick. My car is always packed with necessary items to help me, and friends, make a real go of it. And, one fiend from my survival group has a farm in the middle of nowhere in N.M. So, we’ll be heading there, I would assume. But, I absolutely agree that big cities are not good places to be stuck in. I’m, currently, in a city with a population of around 1/2 million. That’s still too many people for me. Thus why I live in one of the farthest areas away from the city’s center. It’s quiet and there are less people out here. I feel like I will survive a SHTF scenario. But all members of my group are preparing for it. FBJ

    • the primary cities of texas: houston/dfw/austin/san antonio… too big for me.

      if i wanted to move to texas, i would likely shoot for places sized like amarillo, lubbuck, abilene -or oklahoma.

      am told that if one is searching for old school texas [oil wells, stampedes, rodeos], oklahoma is the real place. tho if one simply seeks a sane population, simply live in locale where the climate/weather is harsh, unforgiving, and simply horrible. creeps don’t like that too much.

  • Personally, I would stay a minimum of 800 miles from the Yellowstone Caldera. It could blow at any time.
    800 miles puts you far enough away that you would be safe from all but the slowly drifting ash cloud.
    Epicenter out to 150 miles, instant death. 200 to 300, fires and wind blast. 400 to 600, some wind and farther out mostly falling ash.
    Just something to bear in mind when choosing a bugout local.
    I would choose a state in the Midwest, somewhere close to the mighty Mississippi River and far enough South to avoid the harsh winter months, Southern MO, AR, TN, AL.

    • Nebraska is one of the best places in the world for prehistoric mammal fossils, because of the herds of animals smothered by the ash clouds from the Yellowstone eruption.

  • I’d say the States picked…are just conjecture. It all depends how things go when it hits the fan. I would, though, stay far away from large Leftist run cities and areas. When it hits the fan it is not going to matter what the statistics say about ‘mass shootings’ as everything will change. It almost sounded like an anti-firearm rant on Texas. I live here and it’s not as bad as the media would have you believe and most of it is in the Leftist controlled areas.

    • I agree. Just like how Florida was ranked as worse than Texas. It has more abundant water than at least 3 of the states (if not all 4) on the “least dangerous” list, wells are easier to drill and don’t need to be as deep, there’s very common naturally growing plants that produce food year round and plants that produce food during winter when other plants aren’t in season, and I had very few (and very minor) problems with hurricanes. With heat not being needed as much, that helps free up resources that would normally be used for heat, and free up time that would otherwise be used to get firewood for heat.

  • Wonder if the stats on Texas motor vehicle fatalities are ginned up the same way the covid19 deaths were? Was that a motor vehicle fatality, the guy who died of a heart attack while eating his 4th big mac in the parking lot? Just like the bullet to the head didn’t kill that person covid19 v47 did! Why do people continue to use statistics when they are found over and over to be manipulated for a particular agenda?

  • As someone that was born in Florida and spent a total of 37 years there, then liived in New Mexico 10.5 years, and now living in Arizona for 1.5 year, Florida is getting ranked worse than it should. Yes, there’s hurricanes, but I’ve had very few problems with them, and the few problems I did have weren’t major and were quite manageable. They aren’t all like Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Ian, not everyone lives where storm surge is a problem, not everyone lives on barrier islands that get washed away, and not every house is weak. It’s not hard to find better places to live. It’s not hard to keep trees away from a house. And yes, there’s overpopulated urban areas, but there’s still plenty of places that aren’t like that.

    Advantages are:
    *Although many naturally growing plants that produce food have seasons just like any other state, unlike most or all snowy winter areas, Florida has a few plants that can produce food year round. And during times when some naturally growing plants aren’t producing food during winter, there’s others that are. And the good thing about a lot of them is that most or all naturally growing plants that produce food would be overlooked by most people, and most people don’t know what to look for. So that would increase the chances of someone like me finding plants for food.
    *Unlike many states during winter cold, Florida has crops that can be harvested during winter.
    *Florida has abundant water resources. Even during drought, water is going to be way easier to find in Florida than places like New Mexico and Arizona. And wells in Florida don’t have to be anywhere near as deep as they are in many states, such as where I now live in Arizona. And the chances of water being frozen when you need it is very slim, unlike Montana (on your list of preferred states) and many other states.
    *If you’re using solar panels for power during relatively low solar output short winter days, you aren’t near as likely to need power for electric heat. Even where I am in southeast Arizona (70 miles from the Mexican border) gets way colder on average during winter than Florida does. Yes, I’m aware that it’s a good idea to have at least one alternative to electricity for heat. But the fact that heat isn’t needed as much in Florida is still a valid point.

    • surviving in florida is as hard, as dangerous as in montana.
      just that different set of knowledge/skills is required.
      as for arizona + desert southwest? like with florida, neither are to be triffled with.

  • Despite the nitpicking I see among readers, the article should give pause to folks; always weigh pros & cons…rural areas, in my opinion, offer the best survival scenario. AZ [at least the Phx Metro area] has been over run by Californians in recent decades & have added their peculiar brand of socialism to the Valley AND water has become a precious commodity. If I were to move back, I would look at northern areas of the state [Cottonwood-Flagstaff]

  • I live in mid Oklahoma, some of the biggest aquifers are under ground here, making the best water, there are wide open wooded spaces here. The weather is moderate and you can grow food here along with wildlife to survive, building an underground home is perfect, Out of elements. So even if it’s hot out, your comfortable, and winter months your comfortable, you can store food underground also.,


    • hawai, or at least oahu has a lot of former military tho. do you think the numbers are stacked that badly agains the haoles?

      unmentioned item about hawaii, for locals and haole alike: i could see china or other power grabbing the islands. if america falls apart, no outside power is going to leave those islands alone.

  • The argument Texas has the most mass shootings is not taking into consideration it’s as big as 5 other states combined. Better to go with percentages of population. ANY big city won’t be safe in ANY state, especially leftylibpinkofagweirdos states or cities. If you aren’t prepared and live in a big city, you are likely toast anyway.

  • I’ve read all your comments and you each have good ideas and some bad ideas. I been in and lived a year or more in eight different places around the world where SHTF. You never know what it’s really like until you live through it.. If you look back in military history you will see waterborne illness, foodborne, insects and sanitation has killed more soldiers prior to 1950 then any war. That’s just in the US. Living without electricity or running water or learning to dig a well learning to hunt and learning the habitats and migratory situations of different animals is crucial and any survival. I’ve seen several thousand people die from what I listed above. I was humbled and shocked and taken back what people can do to each other and severe times with the lack of clean water the lack of food or even basic medical. If you want real down to earth practice and see what humans can do to each other just volunteer for one year to go to some of these countries and see what the world will really be like. It will open your eyes and be a very sobering experience. I live very close to several Amish communities. They survive with no electricity no air in their bicycle tires they make their own clothes they use every part of an animal that they raise and slaughter for food for clothing and so on. I feel I’m more rounded opening myself to different cultures that have been around 10,000 years or more without the creature comforts of the USA and their laxidasical ways. 90% of people in the US don’t know how to do simple things outdoors much less how to survive. I hear a lot of armchair survivalist that really don’t know what it’s like to live with nothing of creature comforts. I’m not knocking the creature comforts I like them I like running water but that doesn’t mean I’m not prepared. Some people look at some of the things I collect and make fun of us. Can you survive on your own, Yes. Is it easier to do with a small community pf people willing to pull their weight so everyone benifits oh heck yes!
    If you really really are serious about being a survivalist no matter where you’re at in the USA put yourself in a spot where you have to survive or die. Learn to work with a group if you don’t your lifespan will be much shorter no matter how good of a survivalist you think you are. You have to be well-rounded in all your knowledge or be with a group that has knowledge within it otherwise you won’t last a year at best. Something is simple as getting a cut that gets infected could kill you. You can think and speculate and think you’re planning all day long but it’s not going to do you much good if you actually haven’t lived it and no how to deal with different scenarios. At the end of the day, you’ll come home, plop in and lazy boy and crack a beer. Having a gun and some survival food put away does not make you a survivalist. Ammo eventually runs out in that piece of metal your hands not going to be of much good. Learn to live with the land no matter where you’re at in the world. Don’t rely so much on blogs and message boards and YouTube videos. Find people that have lived off the land for 10,000 years or more they’ll give you more survival education then you could ever take it in your lifetime.

    • Thank you. If you don’t live the lifestyle needed to survive beyond societal collapse, you aren’t going to make it.
      Change your daily living now.
      It’s tough growing, processing and storng your own food when the stores have everything, but do it anyway.
      It’s tough establishing friend who can carry their own water in tough times.
      It’s tough making sure you have water when the faucets are still putting out all the water you can waste, do it anyway
      It’s tough doing the hard thing when all of society is geared toward doing the easy things.
      Do it anyway because, whether SHTF or not, it’s good for you anyway.

  • We were living in Colorado when we saw which way things were going there about 13 years ago. We decided it was time to find an alternative, a bug out location, in case things went sideways. We started by listing things to avoid, then things to seek, in any new locale. Both of us having lived in Florida, we.elminated any coastal areas. Tornado Alley was eliminated. We were already in the mountains at 8000′, so we were familiar with the problems involved with being in the Rockies – snow, accessibility, lack of oxygen as we were aging and just moving west into the high country wouldn’t get us away from the politics in Colorado and moving north would increase the winter weather issues. Desert areas would be problematic for multiple reasons, mostly the lack of water, both for our use and for growing food and raising livestock. One thing we wanted was a choice of escape routes in case of SHTF. Wyoming offered some good points but if we needed to leave the USA, we could go farther north to Canada but we knew going west would present issues, both terrain-wise and politically because the West Coast is a lost cause and heading south would be a multiple day trip in the best of conditions, even in a vehicle. By foot or bicycle would take weeks. We finally decided on west Texas for several reasons. It was only a days’ drive from our house in Colorado, land is available, at a somewhat affordable price, and the larger the parcel, the less per acre it costs. The growing season is long with plenty of sunny days. Lower elevation means more oxygen to breathe but still fairly low relative humidity. The area is extremely conservative with strong American values and Texas hospitality. The folks are friendly. No state income tax. The state is 2nd Amendment friendly. There is plenty of wildlife for sustenance. The conditions are favorable for raising livestock. Tornadoes are a possibility but fairly rare, as are wildfires – well, until last month. If we needed to leave the US, we could head south to. Mexico, although I don’t see that as an option these days, considering all the crime down there. Texas borders the Gulf of Mexico so escaping by boat is a possibility. Heading west to New Mexico is only about 4 hours away by car and that means access to lots of open range land with very few people, not an ideal place to head for but doable in a pinch. Going north brings you to Oklahoma, a fairly conservative state with a long growing season and fertile land. I have not yet looked into water issues up there but I doubt it is any worse than west Texas. If SHTF, I expect everyone and their uncle will be armed but for now, I carry every day anyway. I am in an extremely rural area, half an hour from the nearest gas pump, with far more cows than people, so mass shootings are down near the bottom of my list of concerns. And my local sheriff knows that if he gets a 911 call about anything happening here, he needs to send everyone for an art lesson and an extraction because, by the time he gets here, the excitement will be over.
    All in all., this part of Texas is a good bug-out location for me. And I have good neighbors who pul together in times of trouble. You can’t ask for too much more than that.

  • Not sure where you get your information but Texas is not the state with the highest number of mass shootings. “Mass shootings in the U.S. 1982-2024, by state
    Published by Statista Research Department, Aug 15, 2024
    As of June 2024, California had the most mass shootings in the United States, with 26 total shootings since 1982.” Now I cannot tell if you are a true survival site or lean more left which could determine how you view some survival things and I am not interested. You should be unbiased when telling people how to possibly save their lives.

  • What a load of crap. Rural Texas is a very good place to be. The cities like Houston, Dallas etc. are another matter. These cities are where the bad statistics are created. As far as the vehicle accident rates are concerned, the big cities are again the problem. I don’t think the traffic accident rates are going to be a factor if SHTF.


  • Don’t come to AZ. We have too many CA dems here that we will have to deal with when the SHTF. They won’t last long and we don’t want any others here. Find a better place like NM. Lots of leftest’s there and I’m sure they will welcome you with open arms. Or try CO. It has gone far left and as we all know, the left is very accepting of like minded people, just don’t let them know your not a far left dem and you will be ok..

  • The most important thing that most people overlook are geographical boundaries..
    When it’s time to run for your life, you want to be able to choose which direction is best.
    And all directions as a possibility. So I agree with all of your stated places, but for this reason alone..
    By living in anyone of the States you mentioned, you would only have at most 3 directions you could flee to..
    Mainly because they are on the coast and unless you plan to go out to Sea to escape, that avenue is now
    a barrier. Especially Florida and California..

  • This was a completely useless article. Stay away from large concentrations of people in a disaster situation. OK. Steer clear of extreme cold. OK. Extreme heat with limited access to water is good. Really? This list by state makes no sense. CA, FL, TX and NY have areas that are fantastic to hunker down and survive if you have the knowledge and preparation. I would take Northern CA and North East TX over AZ and NM. BTW – The authors reasoning on TX is stupid and putting Texas as worse than Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, RI, Massachusetts, etc, makes no sense. He also doesn’t mention to stay out of the path of the flow up people. Herds will devour resources and move. If you are rural, but are in that path you are toast.

    • My thoughts exactly! Without even thinking much about it, the top four come out MA, NJ, RI, and ,CT.

  • Live in Texas south of Houston along the coast, been here most my life and the worst thing in my mind would be the chemical plants not shutting down properly and letting out the chemicals uncontrolled, besides that it would get hotter than F but been dealing with the heat at work for near 50 years all year round. I’m sure there would be looters running around but this is Texas and they best be real quick on their feet.

  • OK. All interesting ideas and comments. My summary: Worst areas obviously are big cities, medium cities, large population areas. Then the weather – Cold in Northern states doesn’t make for good bug-out areas (unless you live there and don’t mind the cold and have skills to live in that climate. In this case some of the least populated States (Montana, Wyoming, Utah may be interesting to check out. Temperate weather is ideal of course. Access to rivers for fresh water makes sense. Rural areas for food, not in the path of travel, makes sense.
    When XYZ hits – which could be anything from an EMP attack, or Nuclear (God forbid) …many areas that seem safe now, may have a rude awakening. Yes, all the survival suggestions (water, food, weapons, medical)) are good to have, and prep.
    So, having lived in a huge country area on 3 acres (plenty of land for planting food), well water possibility, far from any large or medium size city – seems like I’ve already bugged out. And, yes, the best weather in the US!!
    Are you ready:…North County, San Diego! Yes, it’s California, but there are many areas (Northern CA also) that are ideal and fit many of the “best” possibilities. Far enough away from LA and San F. (pits that give the State a very bad name!) Water of course can be critical. I live miles inland from the Coast, and am aware that San Diego (1.5 hours away), being a military town, could be a major target.
    Regardless, the one thing that really provides the greatest security for me is knowing the Lord, and having the “peace that passes all understanding.” I look at it from the standpoint of already living in a bug-out area. Being available to be of help to friends and neighbors who may be in a panic (not a bad idea). But, “Polyanna” thinking? I guess it’s just a pragmatic way to look at it – ‘Cause no one can predict what could actually happen, and the exact location to survive in. There is the Hope in His plan,.. Having the assurance that regardless of what happens, He will provide the refuge…makes sense to me. “All things work together…” from Rom. 8:28. www. Answers4Today – website.


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