Prep Blog Review: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going!
Knowledge and skills will make a difference and you can never know too much about self-defense and the weapons that will assist you to this purpose.
Knowledge and skills will make a difference and you can never know too much about self-defense and the weapons that will assist you to this purpose.
Yearning for a power generator? Here are a few options you may be able to afford sooner rather than later, while you save up for the larger toys.
Survival knife can really make the difference between life and death in a tight spot while outdoors. But how do you choose?
In any bug out situation your life will depend on the vehicle you choose, as well as how you took care of it and prepared it before the event.
You hoped your secluded location would minimize marauding this “zombie” contact and that you'd have time to make last minute adjustments…
Some time ago, the guys from Knife Planet asked us to take part in a expert roundup on the best survival knife.