4 Ways To Help Your Plants Survive A Heatwave
Even if you haven’t planned for hot days, there are steps you can take to protect your plants from a heatwave. Here are four of them!
Even if you haven’t planned for hot days, there are steps you can take to protect your plants from a heatwave. Here are four of them!
Those who have the widest variety of skills and learn or adapt new skills, will survive in a post-SHTF scenario. These are the top 13 skills to learn.
Since diesel and gasoline were only invented in the late 1800's, it will not be so hard to “go back” to a lifestyle without these fuels. But do you know
When modern equipment won’t work anymore, the prepared have a plan in place. They know they can get the job done. Can you do the same?
What can we do with the zillions of CDs already in existence? Throw them away in the garbage can? Let's see how to re-purpose them for your homestead!
This is a story that every prepper should know. Read it below and think about the mistakes that have been made. Repeating them will kill you.