Is Martial Law Coming Soon? It appears that Obama is keeping an ace up his sleeve; the ace of declaring martial law. If that happens, there are only two options Read More Defense, GENERAL PREP 36 Comments0
Did You Buy a Gun? The First Things To Do After Shooting makes one of our list of top 6 things to do after buying a gun, but there are some other equally important things to take care of first. Read More Regulations, SECURITY 18 Comments0
Connecticut Gun Impasse: Signs of a New Civil War? If there is any one trigger that could start the 2nd American Revolution, this is it: the illegal trampling of our 2nd Amendment rights. Read More Regulations, SECURITY 83 Comments0
Rules for Carrying Firearms Across the US Carrying firearms across United States requires for the carrier to be willing to comply with each state's jurisdiction. Read More Firearms, GENERAL PREP, Regulations, SECURITY 15 Comments0