Prep Blog Review: Ebola’s Here, Now What?
This week we saw our worst fears come true, with the first Ebola case that hit U.S. And what makes things worst is that it took us by surprise
This week we saw our worst fears come true, with the first Ebola case that hit U.S. And what makes things worst is that it took us by surprise
As much as we wished we didn’t have to say this, it seems the Ebola outbreak is far from ending and it’s actually only getting worse.
Is the president writing off the lives of those servicemen and women, to look good or is he being a visionary?
With a 55-60% death rate and out of control in the epidemic areas, you would think that Ebola would be an excellent choice as a biological weapon
Things are getting way out of hand: officials from the WHO claim that Ebola is spreading faster than they can keep up with.
Many people believe that the biggest fear after SHTF is going to be starvation or attack from other humans, but the likelihood of mass death by disease is a much