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What happens when SHTF and you can't buy this kitchen staple? Nothing, if you’re a good prepper
What happens when SHTF and you can't buy this kitchen staple? Nothing, if you’re a good prepper
Unlike food, we can live without water for just a few days. In an extremely hot environment; days can be cut to as little as just a few hours
When SHTF this is where we’ll either bug in or head to when we bug out into the wilderness, so it makes perfect sense to pay extra attention to it.
When it comes to preparing for disaster, storing food, weapons, medicine, and other goods will be difficult in both urban and rural settings.
You can get these multipurpose items for very little money, or even for free if you coupon and watch sales. Free and multi-purpose? What a deal!
It’s not rocket since that when SHTF your health situation will make the difference between life and death