How Not To Die In A Human Stampede

We’re living in the golden age of humanity.

At least survival-wise, where everything is safe, regulated, civilized, disinfected, we have enough food, no natural enemies and all that, today’s article is about something relatively grim: staying alive in a stampede. A human stampede, that is.

See, there aren’t many situations in “the current year”, at least in the “first world”, where you can contemplate the possibility of mass casualties, except from a terrorist attack or a mass shooting Las Vegas style.

However, people still attend rock concerts or NFL games, yet almost no one is thinking about a contingency plan in case he or she gets caught in a human stampede. The sheer thought of a human stampede seems ridiculous to most people in the civilized world by the way. We’re much better than that, and all that “normie” palaver.

You see where this is going, right?

We’re talking about a serious and realistic survival scenario, where a relatively peaceful crowd goes berserk and engages in irrational behavior, for good reasons or for no reason whatsoever.

The worst thing about human stampedes, which by definition take place in crowded areas, is that they can be triggered by banal and non-threatening events, like fireworks or a woman screaming or whatever. Basically, the most insignificant and benign thing can make a crowd of people reach a “critical state” almost instantly. Then explosion follows. Then, all hell breaks loose.

Let me give you a couple of examples

Just last year, in Turin-Italy of all places, more than thirty thousand fans were gathered in the main square to watch a soccer game, as Juventus-Turin was playing in the European Champions League. Soccer is a big thing in Europe and draws huge crowds, but then, a firecracker sparked what it’s commonly called a human stampede, which translated into more than 1500 injuries[1], some of which were very serious. Fortunately, no one got killed, but that was pure luck.

Why were people so scared of a firecracker? It’s pretty simple: Islamic terrorism. I imagine people in the US attending a rock concert or whatever would be just as scared hearing a firecracker going off, as we have our own problems with mass shootings. Another example: the year is 2010, July, and we’re in Germany at (oh, the irony) the Love Parade. 19 people were killed[2] and more than 300 were injured (some severely) during a human stampede that occurred as a huge crowd surged through an entrance tunnel in Duisburg, near Dusseldorf. Everything happened due to panic, chaos, and maybe trance music, who knows.

In the same year, in 2010, 345 people were killed[3] and more than 300 injured in Cambodia, at the Water Festival.

Again, for no apparent reason, people just panicked and trampled over each other. It is obvious that human stampedes tend to happen  during public events (music festivals, sporting events etc) where there’s mass attendance and, another important common denominator: there’s a narrow, single point of entry and exit, where  panicked massed of people trample over each other. In Cambodia was a bridge, in Germany was a tunnel, you do the math. And after people panic and there’s not enough space, crowd dynamics take care of the rest.

That’s why you must understand crowd dynamics in a panic.

The most obvious thing to do if you want to avoid unpleasant situations, such as human stampedes, is to stay away from crowds. That’s the “everything in life is location” mantra. Always avoid crowds. And I don’t mean sporting and/or religious events, or music festivals only. People got crushed and killed trying to get into stores and buy cheap crap they don’t need on Black Friday, or when they thought they’ve heard gunshots in a club or whatever.

Now, there are 2 scenarios when it comes to getting injured or killed during a human stampede: you can die from trampling (the most “popular” cause of death in such situations) or from compression asphyxia. What’s that, you asked? Well, when it comes to high densities of people per square meter, 7 or more that is, people can get squeezed to death during stampedes, whether in  a pileup or upright. And believe me, that’s a very nasty way to meet your maker, not to mention utterly stupid.

The thing about panicked crowds is that they generate incredible amounts of energy, and once a human stampede is in motion, just like a train, it’s almost impossible to stop. Just 7 people pushing together in the same direction will generate 1,000 lbs of force, and that’s enough to topple a brick wall by the way. That’s why people may get crushed to death even while standing up during a human stampede.

Situational awareness is key in avoiding human stampedes

While the best thing to remember is to stay away from potentially dangerous crowds, there are some tips and tricks you must learn in order to avoid and even to survive a crush, a crowd surge or even a human stampede.

The most important thing regarding situational awareness is to always make a mental map of your surroundings, as in to get familiar with the terrain, and no matter where you are at any point in time, to be perfectly aware of bottlenecks (such as tunnels/bridges/tight spaces) and alternate exits if SHTF. Ideally, you should be well familiarized with your surroundings BEFORE the human-stampede begins.

For example, if you’re going to attend a music festival of sorts, make sure you learn where the exits are. Even if you’re at a club, you should be aware of where the rear/emergency fire exits/windows are. Because, you never know what’s going to happen, right?

When SHTF, most people tend to follow each other, that’s “crowd dynamics” in motion, and usually, they’ll try to exit a given venue using the same point they’ve entered it, because it’s the “familiar route”. Fewer people are going to use alternative routes, hence that’s the proper way to safely exit the premises in a SHTF scenario. How to avoid a human stampede, you asked? When it’s the best time to go for the exits? The general rule of thumb is when you start to feel uncomfortable. Follow your instincts, if any. If your gut is telling you to “bugger off”, just do it, even if you don’t really want to leave. Don’t postpone the decision, you may regret it later.

So, to recapitulate

Have an exit strategy whenever you arrive at a given event, and be aware of all exit locations; moreover, as soon as you notice the crowd becoming too dense, follow your instincts and get the hell out of there, seek open space. Most people don’t realize they’re in mortal danger until there’s too late.

If you’re in immediate danger of getting caught in a human stampede, take cover, if possible. If you’re indoors, look for a closet or a side hallway, if you’re outside, look for a vehicle, or a tree you can climb on, anything available to shield you from the moving crowd. If taking cover is not an option, keep moving, don’t try to resist the unstoppable force of a human stampede, it will only drain your energy, and physical stamina is critical if you want to stay alive. However, that doesn’t mean you have to blindly follow the direction of the crowd.

You must try to pursue a diagonal trajectory to the flow of the crowd, thus trying to reach the edge of the “human-river”, in order to prevent getting stuck (and injured/killed) in a bottleneck, like a narrow hall or a doorway or whatever.

Remember how I told you about people dying from  compression asphyxia?

The proper posture in a stampede is arms up, like a boxer! If you keep your arms up, you’ll be able to push out against people crushing you, and thus you’ll be able to breathe. Always stay away from chocking points, I can’t emphasize this enough. Choke points like bridges, doorways, hallways, tunnels, any imaginable space that may restrict the flow of people.

Usually speaking, these narrow places will lead to the nearest exit, but that’s what makes them dangerous. If you fall down, try to get up as quickly as you can, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Stay away from fences and walls; contrary to popular wisdom, this is a really dangerous strategy; as crowd pressure builds up, you may get crushed like a bug. Literally.

Think twice before going to crowded events, and keep in mind that human stampedes occur more frequently than you think, but they’re kept quiet by organizers, as this kind of news affects tourism and the “money flow”.

Another sad truth is that many people die in stampedes after falling because they get no help from their fellow men. Lack of compassion, that’s why they die. Most people are not good Samaritans, and regardless of what the experts claim, pushing and shoving in a stampede are not involuntary actions.

Also, no matter how good crowd control is, and how well organized the respective event is, with clearly marked exits and all that, nothing changes the human condition. Some people are purely stupid, or plain evil, and that will always cause problems in a crowd.

That about sums it up for today.

I hope you enjoyed reading the article. If you have questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the dedicated section below. Good luck, have fun folks!





Written by

Chris Black is a born and bred survivalist. He used to work as a contractor for an intelligence service but now he is retired and living off the grid, as humanly possible. An internet addict and a gun enthusiast, a libertarian with a soft spot for the bill of rights and the Constitution, a free market idealist, he doesn't seem very well adjusted for the modern world. You can send Chris a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • Thank You Chris, Good common sense for all to note! I personally try to stay away from big crowds, but every once in a while there is a Grandchild function like a large graduation etc. It’s always good to remember things like finding all of the exits, watch your breathing etc. Thanks Again! Reena in Springfield, IL

  • Good article. I enjoyed. agreed to and was educated. Thank you.

  • I went to a game between the US and Mexico at LA Coliseum in the 90’s. A young boy I would say about 7 maybe was next to me and people started to shove waiting for the gate to open. I had the boy get between my legs because he was that short and wrap his arms around each leg so I could keep the people from squishing him. Once the gate opened, I was lifted up into the air and carried a good 50 feet or more. I don’t know what happened to the kid, but he wasn’t holding on to me anymore.
    It was pretty scary as I had no control of the situation, but I did use my arms to control those around me as best as I could and keeping myself up, at least my chest wouldn’t be compressed to stop air flow. I avoid crowds as much as possible, but sometimes you can’t.
    My wife and I were in Barcelona a few years ago and we were warned that a demonstration was going to happen later that day. We didn’t think too much about it but we did plan on getting back to the hotel before it was supposed to start just in case. Well they started several hours earlier than they were supposed to and I couldn’t believe how many people, it was the main boulevard going through Barcelona and it was people as far as you could see, and that is a wide street. We ended up going over 3 streets and the streets were filled with people. Of course we had to go against the flow of the crowd to get to our hotel which was still a few blocks away. I told my wife to not say a word to anyone, grabbed her hand and led her back to hotel. Those people were angry and it could have gotten ugly. Full riot gear police were around but if things went bad, they were badly outnumbered I would say 1000 to 1 at least. The crowd was huge. I was definitely scared but I concentrated on finding a safe haven.
    I try to avoid crowds as much as I can, even small ones.

  • Read the chapter about panic in “The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes and Why” by Amanda Ripley. She writes about stampedes and adds more detailed information to your post, including why stopping to help someone is a high risk of you getting trampled.

  • I have to insert a caveat here; there is no ISLAMIC TERRORISM. The rich and powerful are the terrorists. They HIRE Islamic dudes to be scape goats. Our country actually MADE the terrorist groups; we named them, financed them, trained them, gave them great guns and killing tech. This is a DUH.

    9/11 was NOT done by dude that live in caves and ride camels. So sorry. If one still believes that 9/11 was done by Muslims, THEY ARE WRONG. It was Bush, Cheney, Silverstein, Rumsfeld and a bunch of rich guys behind the curtain that you don’t know about.

    You need to learn who to trust and government, leaders and the media are NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!

    • Sure, and the Democrats haven’t yet decided to impeach Trump; they’re waiting for the evidence. Gimme a break!

      • What evidence against Trump? Still have not heard basic facts backed up with basic facts. If I were a democrat I’d be oh so very embarrassed. I am not either party! Trump has done nothing wrong. He isn’t that stupid, trust me. What a waste of congress ‘power’….Naderr is an idiot. Congress as it is set up is asinine. And we are paying for this nonsensical ‘play’.

      • This comment stream is about avoiding being injured or killed in a crowd stampede,not a political commentary. Stormy if you’re going to “troll” ,pleas do it somewhere else. Thank you.

    • I would expect better smarts from Stormy Daniels!
      The best way to avoid death by stampede is to avoid that annual pilgrimage of the pig-headed: the Hajj.
      Better still, avoid Islam — and, of course, Sampson.

      Don’t take it from me: read Mark Gabriel in “Islam and Terrorism”

    • You are so full of S it is coming out of your mouth.

    • You make some great points; however, Islamic Terrorism still exists. Did the US exploit and even create cells? We used them to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. WE armed them and even trained them. We didn’t invent ISIS though, and they are doing enough on their own. Any culpability in the part of the US doesn’t excuse the acts of other Islamists. The Muslim population in general does not condemn the violent acts, which says a lot. Also, the majority of the Muslim population is in favor of Sharia law over our Constitutional law, by force, if necessary, which also says a lot.

  • The best way to not die in a human stampede is not put yourself into a human “feedlot” situation to begin with.

    • Agree 100%. Stay away from crowds as much as possible. But that is easy for us to say as we are located near Hyder AK, an isolated low population region. Love people, it is just humanity l have no faith in.

  • I see one conundrum in this post. Advice is to pursue a diagonal path to reach the edge of the “river” of people, but at the same time to avoid fences and walls. Am I missing something here? Should one stop short of the wall/fence, and continue moving with the flow a few spaces in from the barrier?

    Hopefully my question makes sense. TIA!

  • One thing you did not add is if you are in the middle of the crowd is to fold your arms across your chest.
    This way you are able to breath and keep standing.
    You don`t want to fall on the floor and get stomped

    • Oh yes he did mention it, he called it “arms up in a boxing position” since you didn’t get the point or comprehend what you read.

  • I’ve watched this article come and go since it was written with varying amounts of comments. I understand the desire to support grandkids, kids, relatives, etc., but it is still a choice you deliberately choose to make to get into a mass of humanity with choke points for ingress/egress. The first and only time I am aware of doing such a stupid thing was when I didn’t have a clue about such things. Once was enough. People can graduate without family being present, in fact I refused to go to my college graduation because though there would have been an exit or three from the stage, the masses of humanity in the crowd (including the graduates) had limited numbers of egress/ingress points in a structured enclosed area. A stupid graduation ceremony didn’t mean enough to me to put myself or any family/friends in danger. One still has their degree and the ceremony is just that. A very short temporary “I love me” party and I can do without those. Not attending the ceremony meant nothing for the ability to get a job and earn a living. People who like and want big weddings can count me out. I really like what one poster said in a previous post, “I like people, it’s just humanity I have no faith in.” Amen! If people choose to put themselves in potential harms way and a dangerous situation occurs, well . . . it was their choice and so are the consequences. For the people who say that sometimes there is no choice, that is not true. You always have a choice. It is your choice to go where you go, to live where you live, and those who live in urban areas . . . it is your choice. If you don’t like it change it, you have that power. Stop selling yourself short and pretending you’re a victim with no choice about getting into potentially nasty situations. Victims are those who have no power to make decisions and amongst humanity that’s pretty limited. Victims are those who truly are mentally incapable, people with mental degradation such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, babies/small children, etc. and they will be victims only because of people who have the ability to make decisions for them refuse to use the senses given them, refuse to use any sense at all and put the victims in harms way. Getting into potentially nasty situations is a selfish choice people make because they really want to do or go to a situation or place that could become dangerous. The thrill of possible danger is exciting isn’t it? And the stupid idiocy of believing, “It won’t happen to me.” Yet we’ve heard from several who have chosen “stupid” as a way of behaving and have lived to tell about it, but are still saying, “Sometimes you can’t help it.” I’m sorry, I don’t believe you. If some of you would try to claim “My spouse (someone else) would divorce (hate) me,” the chances are really high they aren’t worth having in the first place. Anyone with the ability to choose to get into crowded situations better not squeal like a pig, crying “victim” when something happens they don’t like. I don’t consider that I have lived a boring life at all, but I have done my best not to do “stupid” more than once. I don’t have to nor do I go to concerts, races, circuses, sporting events, or any other social event where there is the chance for limited choke points for egress for a mass of brainless humanity, nor has not going or doing such things stunted my life or experience in any way.

    • TRAVELIN ON: You’re very unrealistic both in perceiving danger where there is none and not perceiving danger where it exists. Have fun living like a hermit.

      Don’t ever go to the grocery store. And don’t ever shop in any store. Also be sure never to accept a job located in a building because if the fife alarm goes off…well, you know. (P.S. Even if you work remotely from home, don’t ever go to a job interview that’s in a building.) And don’t ever drive–anywhere–because you may end up in a traffic jam or on a bridge. You ‘re suffering under the delusion that you’re so smart. (Sigh)

      • Christie Wagner and Travelin On,
        I’m stupid. At least by the criteria given by Travelin On because I’m a risk taker. Sure, we can’t totally eliminate all risk in life as mostly everything has risks and we all die except for the one we just celebrated His birthday, but stupid is taking unnecessary risks when we know better and I most certainly do that again and again. Just one example is I ski off cliffs! Though a risk, it is greatly mitigated by skill, which actually has been used in risky ways to save lives including my own, of course, also combined with miracles from our Creator, which is just another indication that He has His plans for me. Sure, I can easily avoid the cliffs as it’s just choice as Travelin On puts it and it is my choice to seek out the cliffs to jump, which is really stupid, as I know better. It has zero advantages, is over in seconds and I risk serious injuries and even death. We have decisions to make. We all die, so there are no decisions available to change that. The greater question then becomes purpose: What are we living for? Who are our heroes? Mine is George Washington, founder of our EXCEPTIONAL Nation that we are perilously close to losing and I want to keep it! It’s looking better now that those voting to end it have lost elections, but they are numerous and will pose challenges to our continuance as they vote for their own demise. I see my role as provider and protector of my future family for when I find the rare special one for me or she finds me. We will raise our future children to thrive with freedom and prosperity in the harsh times to come with the great advantages we can provide. Regarding risk, George Washington could have enjoyed the rich life of having his wealth and plantation instead of being in wilderness eating wild yams, if only he didn’t fight the mighty British Empire! Being mortal, he would die either way, but look at how much the world is better with the blessings from our Creator of the gift of our United States of America! Talk about risk taker! Perhaps survivalist means willing to live in slavery, if that’s what it takes to live, which brings into question if I’m a survivalist or perhaps a warrior at heart? Specifically, my future children will not live in slavery! If that is the way it is to be, they will know and be inspired to change it using all of the many advantages I’ll give them combined genetic advantages as a gift from our Creator and with miracles from our Creator who uses us, generally risk takers, for His will.
        [email protected]

  • CHRIS BLACK: Your article on survival in crowd situations is the most intelligent, thorough, detailed, well organized, and realistic that I have ever read in my life! And I’ve read a lot.,

    Among the many paramount aspects other authors leave out, which you include, is the psychological behavior operative in people caught up in such scenarios.

  • The herd mentality is mostly absent among those into preparedness for the harsh times to come as we are mostly the rugged individualist type that made our Nation prosper. I feel no need to avoid crowds though I don’t have their gregarious attraction to be part of them. Mob mentality is present in our culture for voting decisions for those so programmed with “The Hive Mind” (a Jesse Kelly reference). Our behavior is vastly different. The herd mentality in disaster would generally have people freezing with no action not knowing what to do while expecting government to rescue them. In sharp contrast, most of us, who have long contiplated prudent responses with the best done with anticipation of the threat seen in advance, we will likely not be in that situation. For many among us that is years in advance along with well developed contingency preparedness. For revelance to preparedness for the harsh times to come, getting out of a big city among a major evacuation entails considerations of auromotive traffic snarling and transforming traffic flow into a massive parking lot with disabled and out of fuel / charge vehicles preventing it from starting to flow again and creating immobility and multiple related hazards. Though not a stampede, there will be a similar herd mentality along with its own sets of hazards, so “stampede” of this article has this parallel for our preparedness for which I would have a lot to contribute, but evacuation traffic avoidance can be an article of its own. [email protected]

  • My dad must have been a natural survivalist because I remember him telling me as a child what to do in a crowd situation as you describe. His advice was to always know where all the exits were and to not follow the crowd. I’d like to add that this is also good advice whenever we are anywhere in public, inside or out. Always have an exit strategy, because a mass shooting or fire could occur anywhere. Consider all the different ways you could escape, including picking up a chair and smashing a windows to escape if needed.

  • Depends on the crowd!

    Special situation, but I like that the entirety of the President Trump rally stayed calm and didn’t run when his ear got shot and our Secret Service killed the shooter while President Trump stood up and raised his fist and said Fight Fight Fight. They appreciated that and it represents them well.

    There are character differences between different crowds. In Utah, we have Constitution Day on September 17th, Constitution Day and Bill of Rights Day on December 15th as official Utah State holidays with celebrations and festivities put on by my Republican Party with membership showing up in large numbers to reflect on what we have and to be dedicated to work to keep it and enjoy and celebrate with barbecues and good food and activities.

    Seeing video of Democrat events and their protest events on news and internet and seeing the massive litter far and wide from aerial views with news reports of expenses to have government workers clean it up, specialists dri ice blast off graffiti from historic monuments and repair vandalism, I noted that we don’t even have litter at our events. It’s a different crowd.

    Determined to spot and pick up the first bit of litter while enjoying being around like-minded people and friends at our recent Constitution Day event, I watched the ground for two hours. A breeze came through and blew a napkin off of a picnic table. It wasn’t even intentional litter and I headed tword it before it hit the ground, but from only ten feet away, I wasn’t quick enough because someone else there beat me to it and put it in the trash.

    At our events, we are well armed with both open carry and concealed carry. That reminds me of another huge crowd. Back when Ron Paul came to Salt Lake City during his Presidential campaign, he sure was safe as mostly everyone there was armed. The crowd was very polite and we all felt very safe among this crowd and no one was likely to run away from anything.

    Like the title of this post, it depends on the character of the crowd. I’m very safe and comfortable among these crowds.


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