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First Aid

The antiseptics listed are ideal for the layman, and I recommend learning about them as much as possible. I’ve tried them on myself, and

Do you know what Mickey Mantle and World War II soldiers had in common? Limbs… many of their limbs (and soldiers’ lives) were saved

There are now more than 1344 deaths recorded as of the first week of February due to the 2019 novel coronavirus, surpassing the number

Since the outbreak started, the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV has spread rapidly. What started out in one city, has now spread to 26 countries, around the

Relieving back pain is challenging no matter what methods you try. Exercises for back pain are effective if you get off to a good

The ideal scenario would be to administrate fluids to shock victims intravenously, but it's a complicated technique that requires special training,

We’re talking about a suturing kit, stuff you won’t be capable of DIY-ing on the fly, hence you should never leave home without a

Here’s a short list of symptoms associated with poisonous snake-bite wounds: fainting, dizziness, low blood pressure/rapid heartbeat or difficulty breathing.

The 911 emergency system is the first option most people have during an emergency situation. because it makes the most important advent in these

If you’re in the pushing stage of labor, trying to decide whether to go to the hospital versus delivering the baby at home, the

In case of any major disaster, the chances you’ll catch a deadly disease are 60 times easier in a FEMA camp. That is why

Every medical emergency is unique and different, and the most important thing in a survival situation is to have proper knowledge on the issue.

Preventing asthma attacks can be very difficult if you don’t know what is causing them or if they have gone on for a long

Blood coming from a wound is never a good thing.  While it does not matter what caused the puncture in the first place, what

Gunshot wounds can be difficult to treat at all stages of the process.  It is best to take first aid courses and make sure