HomeFOODFarm Animals (Page 5)

Farm Animals

If you have animals for milk production and meat, you will be able to stave off malnutrition long enough. Find out the options!

There are many different types of honey bees that you may choose from as most of the ones that are popular are viable in

Learn how to raise and propagate these 5 farm birds; it can make it easier to get through any food shortage that comes your

Raising bees for survival has many benefits and the process itself, though time consuming, isn’t particularly difficult. Let's see how to get started!

Chickens are a bit fickle about cold weather, but the last thing that you want them to do is stop laying eggs. Fortunately, you

Sheep have been raised for centuries by people all over the world because they’re versatile and hardy.
They’re a good livestock

Whether you’re raising chickens or other fowl, knowing how to incubate and hatch various species is an incredibly useful skill to have.

Whether you’re raising birds for meat, or you’ve got laying hens that aren’t producing anymore, slaughtering and procesing them is an invaluable skill to

For centuries, people have raised these animals on their farms for food, and for many thousands of years before that, hunted them.

Aside from the companionship they can provide, goats are useful for their production of milk, meat, mohair, cashmere, and natural fertilizer.

If you’re interested in preparing for the worst or you simply want to be as self-sufficient as possible, keeping chickens is a great way