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Disaster Scenarios

In recent American history, there have been times when we all believed that our actions would bring the end of humanity as we know

Long-distance travel could become extremely difficult and dangerous in a SHTF scenario. Food, fuel and other essentials would be scarce. Traffic laws would no

The world has had many near-SHTF scenarios in the last few years, including a global pandemic, a spike in natural disasters and a widespread

The war in Ukraine keeps marching on, with more than 7 months of fighting to date. Even so, Russia is doing rather badly at

Every year or even more often, scientists surprise us with news related to the upcoming worldwide disaster that awaits us.

Here in the prepping community, we’re accustomed to talking about EMP as a TEOTWAWKI event, perhaps even our “favorite” such event, at least from

No matter how much any of us stockpile, there’s a finite limit to our supplies. That means that while those supplies are intended to

Once again, the country is shocked by a senseless mass shooting in one of our schools. The shooting in Uvalde, Texas, ranks as the

These days, I’ve heard a lot of friends complaining about not having enough time to prepare or test their survival skills. They say there’s

other dire predictions. Whether they were about the second coming of Christ, the Illuminati taking over the world, or all our computers ceasing to

We’ve all heard about a get home bag (GHB), so I’m not going to belabor the point, but it needs to be mentioned. My

While you probably already know the value of a shelter and may know how to build one, it’s easy to overlook what you

When camping or hiking in bear country, always be prepared for a potential encounter, remember, bears are large and powerful animals that can inflict

If you have access to waterways or if you can reach such fluid highways in a decent amount of time, I recommend considering a

I have to ask once again, are we already watching the beginning of World War III? Is Putin going to use whatever happens as