Islamist Terrorists Attack: 5 Rules To Stay Alive
Becoming a terrorist hostage is one of the worst predicaments to be in. Are you prepared to face this type of hostage situation?
Becoming a terrorist hostage is one of the worst predicaments to be in. Are you prepared to face this type of hostage situation?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have some quick life hack shortcuts to help you get started on your way with minimal effort and no frostbite?
Are there any secrets on how to choose your best footwear for survival? Yes, and you are going the right way for finding them if you’re reading this.
You don't have to be an army or a fortune 500 company to use standard operating procedure. A small family of four could also build his own.
If Obama has been able to bomb ISIS for six months based upon two previous authorizations, WHY does he need a NEW one now?
Though you can go up to 3 weeks without food, you won’t last much longer than 3 days without water and you’ll be in bad shape way before that.