VIDEO: How to Respond to Radiation Exposure

Radiation exposure can wreak havoc on the human body. Regardless of the level of exposure, it’s most definitely something that no one wants to deal with as it can cause genetic deterioration, organ failure, and death. However, in an SHTF situation, radiation exposure may very well be a condition that must be addressed. 

In this video, Tyler previews the radiation exposure protocols that the book Survival MD: What to Do When There’s No Doctor explains. From information on waiting out the initial fallout to the proper way to perform exposure protocols, you don’t want to miss this video. 

Even if you have a shelter that protects you from that highest level of radiation during the fallout, you might need to help someone that wasn’t so lucky. Tyler outlines the steps for isolation, cleaning, and treatment for radiation exposure. He explains how any particulate, even dust that isn’t visible, can still be radioactive and therefore damaging to the patient and anyone that comes into contact with them. 

Tyler also explains that while the visible symptoms of radiation exposure can mimic common burns, the two conditions are treated in entirely different fashions. Not only that but applying ointments, as you would with a conventional burn, can trap radiated molecules next to the skin and cause further exposure. 

Survival MD: What to Do When There’s No Doctor also offers guidance on how different levels of exposure affect the body. Tyler also offers some advice on medication and equipment to have on hand in case you ever have to address the after-effects of nuclear fallout and radiation exposure. 

Of course, we all hope that this knowledge is never put to the test, and we never need to open that bottle of radiation exposure medication. However, if the unspeakable were to happen, the information provided in Survival MD: What to Do When There’s No Doctor may save your life or that of someone else.

You can check other videos that cover various medical situations covered in Survival MD: What to Do When There’s No Doctor, along with a host of other survival topics on our YouTube channel. 

Disclaimer: The content of this book is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. You understand that this book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed practitioner. Please consult with your own physician or healthcare specialist regarding the suggestions and recommendations made in this book. The use of this book implies your acceptance of this disclaimer. The publisher and the author make no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience by following the advice and strategies contained in this book, and you accept the risk that results will differ for each individual.

Written by

Tyler White is one of those rare creators of online survival content who is amply qualified. Growing up on a ranch, Tyler learned about homesteading and preparedness as a way of life, taught by grandparents who had lived through the Great Depression. Although he had already worked at a guide in Alaska, served with U.S. Army, Tyler knew there was more to primitive survival than he could learn from military schools or other outdoorsmen. His passion for primitive survival drove him on a quest to track down the most knowledgeable instructors in the field, traveling from Utah to the Amazon to Canada and finally back to Utah. Like all competent survivalists, Tyler has experience in a broad range of subjects. Highlights from his background includes criminal justice, law enforcement, archery, small arms, amateur radio, farming, gardening, raising cattle, and poultry. He has attended classified schools, worked in law enforcement, studied too many martial arts to list, and achieved the rank of 2nd Dan in Shōrin-ryū karate.

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