10 Tips Every Urban Prepper Needs To Know
The life of an urban prepper is complicated because they struggle much more than the rest of us. For some, bugging out will be their only chance of survival.
The life of an urban prepper is complicated because they struggle much more than the rest of us. For some, bugging out will be their only chance of survival.
Everything we do as preppers can help us to retire comfortably. Things that we might consider doing for retirement will definitely help us to survive.
It is easier to survive in a group than trying to survive alone. We humans are social animals and we need others around us in order to truly enjoy life.
If you use the term “prepper” most listeners will immediately think of the “Doomsday Preppers” TV show on National Geographic…
New to prepping and wondering what does one have to do in order to truly be prepared? Here are the answers to your questions!