6 Versatile Ammo Types You Need In Your Arsenal

When building a prepper ammunition stockpile, you are always going to be pressed for room and money.

As with other parts of your stockpile, you may be wondering if there is a way to choose guns and ammo so that you can get multiple uses for a single item. In this case, there are ammo types that can be used in different kinds of guns.

If you choose the following ammo types and build your weapons stockpile with them in mind, it will be easier to build up your ammo supply and have plenty for every gun that you have set aside for survival needs.

Remember the Purpose of Your Stockpile

As you read through interchangeable ammo types, some others may come to mind that aren’t listed here. Do not forget that as a prepper, your primary goals will be survival related. As such, you will be looking mostly for ammo that can be used for hunting, home, and self defense.

Other ammo not mentioned in this article may not be as suitable for these purposes, or it may be too hard to get or to expensive to consider for a good sized stockpile. It is also important to consider how available the ammo will be after a major crisis occurs.

Interchangeable ammo will be almost useless if it is not something popular enough that you can pick it up from some other place as needed.

Types of Ammunition that Have Multiple Uses

.22 Long Rifle

The .22 Long Rifle round has been in use for over a century and is still very popular. This ammunition is actually very cheap when compared to the other ammo you may have or be planning to store for other weapons. Even a 500 round brick can be a lifesaver in a long term survival situation. Here are some ways you can use the .22 LR:

  • Can be fired from .22 caliber pistols and rifles. These weapons are also some of the best for survival needs.
  • This ammunition comes in many types from round nose to hollow points which means you can use it in a wide range of applications.
  • .22 ammunition is lightweight, which means you can carry more of it easily than other types.
  • It is an excellent bullet to use in small game hunting. It will also kill deer and other deer size animals at close range with good shot placement. If you have nothing else, it can be used for protection against other people with multiple and well aimed shots to center mass or to the head.
  • It is the best ammunition to use for training and practice because of it’s low report and no recoil. Imagini pentru The Best Caliber

5.56 NATO/.223 Remington

The AR-15 rifles are the most popular rifles in the US today. Because of this, there are large quantities of this ammunition in stock just about everywhere.

  • 56 NATO ammunition is used either by the US military or law enforcement in this country, which means it will never be completely banned or unavailable. You should be able to find it regardless of the situation.
  • Is a lightweight, light recoiling round that most semi-auto defensive rifles are commonly chambered in.
  • Comes in defensive, hunting, or standard ball loadings.
  • Has enough power for personal protection, can be used to hunt most commonly eaten game animals, and can be used on non-game animals such as wild pigs, coyotes, and feral dogs.
  • With the 5.56 NATO it’s possible to carry and store more ammunition than larger sized ammunition.
  • The rifles in 5.56 NATO are usually lighter in weight than the 7.62 NATO rifles.
  • If you are going to live in, or be traveling through areas that have bears or other large predators, it would be better, however to carry a semi-auto or bolt action rifle in 7.62 NATO. Anything less could endanger your life.

Simple Hack That Lets You Hit Any Target From 100 Yards

  • If your rifle barrel is stamped with 5.56 NATO, you can safely shoot .223 Remington ammunition in it. If the rifle barrel is stamped .223 Remington, don’t shoot 5.56 NATO ammunition in it because the rifle may explode. This can cause serious injury or death of the shooter or anyone nearby.

7.62 NATO/.308 Winchester

When you have to shoot at long ranges or through serious barriers this is the round to go to with. This round is the most common for medium to long range shooting. There are also many rifles that use it.

  • Any gun labeled 7.62 NATO can accept .308 ammunition, but guns chambered for .308 should not fire 7.62 NATO ammunition. To do this could cause death or serious injury to the shooter.
  • This ammunition is a good choice for scoped bolt action rifles.
  • 7.62 NATO/.308 ammunition is also used by the US military or law enforcement, which means it will be around and in production long after other bullet types are no longer available.
  • This ammunition comes in defensive, hunting, or standard ball loadings.
  • The 7.62 NATO/.308 rifles can shoot further and are more accurate than the 5.56 rifles.
  • When used in battle rifles, this ammunition can easily penetrate heavy underbrush, vehicle doors, stone, or wooden walls. These rounds can go through an engine block or defeat hard steel body armor.

9mm, .40 S&W and .45ACP

The 9mm round is possibly the all around best pistol round to carry because of it’s low cost and common usage. It is also the cheapest of all the self-defense pistol calibers.

In today’s handgun market, all major handgun manufactures produce at least one 9mm pistol variant to keep them in the running. 9mm ammunition is an excellent choice to use for all individual body types, with it’s low recoil, and is easy to shoot with less training.

  • These are semi-auto pistol cartridges used by the US military and a lot of law enforcement agencies in this country. As a result, there is a lot of this ammunition manufactured and stored each year to keep up with the high levels needed to supply the military and law enforcement needs.
  • With the large quantities of 9mm that is stockpiled, it will be easy to scavenge ammunition than for other calibers.
  • 9mm ammunition can be used in both 9mm semi-auto pistols and a pistol caliber carbines. Because of the 9mm’s smaller size, it is possible for each of these weapons to use high capacity magazines that aren’t heavy when full.
  • Since the 9mm is more popular than the .45ACP today with the US and her allies, it would be to your advantage to use the 9mm handguns over the .40 S&W or the .45ACP. This in the end will have to be a personal choice on which handguns to use.
  • It is wise to equip each family member with a handgun chambered in the same calibers. This will make it easy to share ammo among family members while limiting the need for storing multiple ammo types.
  • Although the .40 S&W was popular with some law enforcement agencies, many have gone back to using 9mm rounds.
  • 9 mm cartridges are not only used in semi-auto pistols. They will also work in AR-15 rifles, or in 9mm revolvers.

.357 Magnum

This revolver is an old and true work horse for law enforcement in this country until replaced by the semi-auto pistols in most departments.

  • For a revolver this is an excellent all purpose round for hunting and protection. It will also shoot the lower power .38 Special ammunition. This gives you a revolver that can shoot at two power levels. Since the .357 Magnum and the .38 Special are very popular, the ammo will also be around for a long time and remain in production as long as it is possible to make ammo.

Shotgun Ammunition

12 gauge ammunition is the easiest to locate and the most available type of ammunition in the world. The 12 gauge shotguns and ammunition is the most versatile ammunition and firearms choices for survivalists.

It is also very powerful and has the ability to completely destroy the many different kinds of targets. While handicapped people and beginners may do better with 20 gauge ammo, it is not as common, and may not be as easy to get in a time of need.

  • For a primary shotgun gauge, the 12 gauge would be my first choice. There are vast quantities of 12 gauge ammo in reserves and in storage, which makes it easier and cheaper to buy at this time.
  • For generations, this was the only shotgun chambering in use with the US military and law enforcement. As with other ammo used by the military and law enforcement, it should be easier to obtain fresh supplies after a major crisis occurs.
  • You can choose low recoil rounds if you have problems with the higher velocity rounds.
  • A 12 gauge shotgun can take game ranging from rabbits, squirrels, to bears by changing the load.
  • Do not forget there are many variations of the 12 gauge slugs.
  •  Getting to know the differences between bird shot, turkey shot, buck shot, and slugs will give you a better chance of choosing the ones that will be of most interest for your stockpile. While having a few boxes of each will not hurt, you may still want to focus one over the others for the bulk of the 12 gauge part of your stockpile.
  • If you are traveling through or are going to live in an area that have large predator animals and you don’t have a .308 or larger rifle. In an emergency a 12 gauge shotgun with slugs will get the job done.
  • In a defensive role the 00 buckshot can deliver 8 or 9 .33 caliber pellets in a standard 2 3/4” shotshell. In a 3”magnum shotshell there are about 12 .33 caliber pellets. When shooting in tight places like in home defense shooting distances, a tight cluster of .33 caliber lead balls at a speed of 1,000 FPS can be devastating. If the recoil of the standard or magnum buckshot loads are to much for you, try using reduce recoil buckshot loads.
  • It is my personal believe that shotgun slugs should only be used in hunting unless there is a defensive emergency and all you have is a shotgun loaded with slugs.
  • Even though you will get a lot of use from 12 gauge ammo, it is also quite heavy to carry around and can be expensive. If you are going to store a lot of this ammo, it may be a good idea to store it in several caches instead of relying on carrying it from one place to another in a time of need.

What About Guns that Fire Multiple Ammo Types?

Aside from considering different kinds of ammo that can be exchanged for others, it never hurts to have at least one weapon that can fire many different kinds of ammo. In this case, I recommend the .327 Federal Magnum Revolver.

Even though they are relatively new on the market, they are gaining a lot of attention from a wide range of consumers. Among other things, they are designed for shooters that don’t what heavy recoil.

They are also good for back-up and hunting.

Insofar as performance, the .327 Federal Magnum is a very close second place to the .357 Magnum. On the other hand, the .327 Federal Magnum revolvers can also shoot the .32 H&R Magnum, .32 S&W Long, .32 S&W Short, and .32ACP ammunition, which gives it better versatility.

When a time of natural disaster or civil unrest, there may be no avoiding the need to defend yourself with a gun. Since guns require ammo, it will be to your advantage to consider rounds that can used in different weapons as well as ones that will be readily available.

As a related consideration for your stockpile, you should also consider guns such as the .327 Federal Magnum revolvers that can shoot a wider range of ammo than other guns.


Written by

Fred Tyrrell is an Eagle Scout and retired police officer that loves to hunt, fish, hike, and camp with good friends and family. He is also a champion marksman (rifle, pistol, shotgun) and has direct experience with all of the major gun brands and their clones. Fred refers to himself as a "Southern gentleman" - the last of a dying way. He believes a man's word is his bond, and looks forward to teaching others what he has learned over the years. You can send Fred a message at editor [at] survivopedia.com.

Latest comments
  • PLEASE CHECK YOUR STATEMENT THAT .308 CAN BE USED IN RIFLES MARKED 7.62. The ,308 Win is pressure tested to 61000 psi. the 7,62 is rated to 50,000 psi. the head spacing is slightly different as well with the 7.62 being longer by a few thousandths. the 308 has thinner brass and can stretch to the point of case separation in a 7.62 chamber. you can shoot 7.62 in a rifle marked .308 win, but not the other way around, at least in theory. it all depends on the specific rifle and the specific ammunition, but rather safe than sorry.

    • The 7.62 is 50,000 cup, not psi.

      50,000 cup equates to approximately 58,000 psi, but over all this slight error changed nothing else.

    • Your correct. I ran across an old copy of Snot gun news that had an article on the Spanish cetme semi-auto rifle. The article warned owners not to shoot the .308 cartridge due to the higher chamber pressures compared to the 7.62 nato round. especially with the chamber and bolt design in the cetme rifle. catastrophic failure would be the result. Locking roller bolt design could prevent chambering the round to full battery due to carbon buildup in the receiver roller detents if not kept clean. Glad I learned that early. I personally knew someone that had a catastrophic failure by shooting .308 in the very same weapon. thankfully he was not severely injured.

    • Thank you for bring this to my attention

      • 22lr can also be shotfrom an AR15 with an adapter. I have one and it works fine.

    • No the head spacing on the .308 and the 7.62×51 are NOT different this is only the case in the 5.56. and the pressure difference is not high enough to create a safety issue as themilitary spec rifle is over built to handle non nato ammunition. You need to stop listening to internet myths and actually research the FACTS for yourself.I have personally cast both chambers and found no difference in them. what so ever,however the 5.56 chamber is what Weatherby calls “freebored”, so that the bullet is completely seperated from the case, before it engages the rifling

  • YOu have it wrong with the .308/7.62 safety warning. 308 is loaded to higher pressures than 7.62 nato. it is the reverse of the 223/5.56 ammo warning.. you should not shoot commercial 308 ammo in military 7.62 rifles.

  • Or you can just buy a gun chambered for .308 like many hunting rifles in THE usa.


  • In the article it states that if your rifle is marked with 7.62 nato it will fire .308 winchester fine but if it marked .308 win. do not shoot 7.62 nato.
    That is false! The 308 Winchester chambered rifles will shoot 7.62 nato just fine. As a matter of fact the military 7.62 round is slightly lower in chamber pressure and will not hurt any rifle chambered for .308 Winchester. Also the muzzle velocity of the 7.62 nato 147 grn (2750 fps) is also slightly lower than the .308 Winchester 150 grn.(2820 fps) hunting round .

  • Hey fred.
    good article, but i’m confused by this statement as to use in an ar-15:
    “9 mm cartridges are not only used in semi-auto pistols. They will also work in AR-15 rifles, or in 9mm revolvers.”
    please clear this up to me.
    Cheers, Al

    • Alan, there are 9mm, .40 SW and even.45acp AR’s. when selectfire they are called submachine guns as they are chambered in handgun calibers. If they are ar hand guns and semi auto they are just handguns, if rifles they are just handgun caliber rifles. nothing complicated.

    • I suspect he was refering to the versitility of the “AR-15 Style” of weapons. Obviously, you are NOT going to fit a 9mm bullet into a 5.56 chamber or magazine. However, they do make an AR -Styled 9mm pistol calliber rifle. Check out the Hi-Point 995TS 9mm Carbine. It’s got some haters out there, but we’ve run over 10,000 rounds thru each of two we tested. At 75 yards they were accurite (3″ or less pattern easy), only one FTF (MagTec 9a bulk ammo), two FTE’s (RedBall 20rd mags).. They “look” just like our Del-Ton M316 AR-15’s, but I think HP considers them an AR-7..

    • If you take an AR-15 lower, and insert an adapter into the magazine well, and install a 9mm upper, it will shoot 9mm just fine,

      The 9mm bullet is the same diameter as the .38 spl and the 357 Magnum. However, the case is shorter and has no rim, so it will “fall into” the 38/357 chamber. If there is a spring loaded finger which snaps into the groove around the base, or a clip which the round is snapped into which keeps the round from slipping into the chamber too far, it will shoot. A dedicated cylinder with a 9mm chamber will work too, but only for 9mm

  • Excellent points thanks to both Walter and fred.

  • Your comments contradict everything I have ever seen or read about the 7.62 nato vs .308 win. With these twins they are the exact reverse of the 5.56/.223 twins, whereas .223 rem can be shot in rifles stamped with 5.56 nato with no danger involved. Danger is a greater risk when attempting to use 5.56 nato in .223 rem marked barrels, unless their chambers have been re-cut to 5.56 nato by a competent gunsmith or skilled owner.

    At least in theory the .308 can handle the 7.62 nato. Mr. Lee has the numbers very close, but made one small mistake with the 7.62’s 50,000 psi, that is actually CUP and not Psi. 50,000 CUP equated to approximately 58,000 PSI, which is still lower pressure than the .308 win.

    The problems potentially arise in using .308 win ammo in military rifles chambered for the 7.62 especially the older ones which may have been re-chambered from a previous weaker action. These 7.62 rifles having longer chambers, when using commercial ammo with thinner brass and higher pressure there is the potential for problems especially if the shooter is a re-loader.

    I would definitely like to know where the factual information for this article was obtained since it is foreign to everything concerning the 7.62/.308 twins I have ever heard.

  • REGARDING 308/7.62X51:
    your Statement: “These rounds can go through an engine block or defeat hard steel body armor.” Is also false!
    Level III plate armor will stop most 5.56 and 7.62 just fine, unless you are shooting Armor piercing ammo, then Level Iv armor will stop them all.
    Plus 308 will not penetrate engine blocks! That takes a 50BMG or maybe a 338 Lapua

    • your comment about engine blocks is incorrect. a fmj 357 magnum round will shoot through a chevy or ford small block (personal experience) cast iron is not steel. and all this noise about the interchangability of the 308 and 7.62 is JUST noise. the only military long gun not capable of taking a 308 is a linked belt fed “machine gun”, chain gun, or what ever nomenclature you wish to use. the reason for this is the force it develops on the bolt when the round is ejected, it has NOTHING to do with the chamber which is IDENTICAL to the 308 with the exception of any weapon made by FN who frebores all their chambers, all other US 7.62 chambers use standardized chambers. Ive cast their chambers and have chambering reamers in 7.62×51 and 308 win and they are virtually Identical. Another point you need to realize is other than what is sold surplus in the US almost all 7.62 x51 ammo is ap so yes it does defeat steel and ceramic body armor, which is why ap ammo was banned for sale to civilians in the US by theCommunist party that was in power at the time.

  • With safety warnings that are contradicted by valid-sounding counter-warnings, it makes it difficult for a reader to feel secure in relying on anything!

    • C-Bob, that’s why the manufacturers include a brief users manual with all weapons!!! Follow the instructions in the box, and you’ll be okay.

      Admittedly, some of us “gun hackers” like to try dangerous experiments, and push the envelope, just to see what we “could” get away with, when the SHTF, and normal supply lines are disrupted.

  • Who said wild hogs weren’t a game animal?

    • it depends on what state you are in.Most consider them vermin due to their distruction and damage they wreak

    • L-F, have you ever seen a painting of wild hogs playing poker???

  • I’ll stay w/ my 1946 M-1. The 30-06 w/ 180 -200 grain gives me a feeling of safety

    • I hope you have stocked up on springs and op rods because the M1 Garand was dessigned for 147-150 grain rounds ONLY as heavier rounds WILL eventually snap the op rod and that usually takes out the associated spring. Its unbelievable how many Ive had to replace for people who use their M1 Garands for deer hunting along with having to put up with looking at their scars from it.

    • one other thing I hope you also replaced the gas port!

  • I doubt that a .223 weapon will “explode’ if you fire a 5.56 round in it. You probably will have trouble extracting the casing though.

    .327 magnum? I’ve not heard of it, but that does not mean it is not good. But for survival purposes it cannot be optimal, at least not for any years. It would have to become very popular and very common to have enough ammunition availability to be excellent for survival purposes. And yes, it is great to be able to fire all those other calibers, but they are mostly not common either, and most of them are not very effective. For a gun collector, it might be fantastic, for a survivalist, not so much.

    00 Buck is usually pushed by stores as “the best” for defense, but #4 buck is preferred by those in the know

    Sorry for all caps, the comment tool would not put out lower case

    • trouble with #4 Buck is $$$$$ – if you’re prepping you’ll be stockpiling deep on the defensive shotgun loads – and you just can’t beat the cost and availability of the 00 Buck – and the main reason why the 12g vs 20g is a losing argument …..

      the argument about needing #4 Buck for home interior firefights loses when the WROL prepping scenario enters the argument – no more LEO responses or “the gun defense ends at the door” – defense will begin at the property perimeter at the least and the firefight ends when the 1st guy runs empty ….

      • If #4 Buck is much more expensive than 00, that would be a factor to take into account. But is it really? It did not use to be, and a quick, unscientific check told me that at one place, 00 was .06 a round cheaper, and that was between DIFFERENT brands. But if the difference in price was large, yeah, I’d get more 00 than #4.

        WHy would you be using a shotgun at the perimeter? Wouldn’t a large capacity semi-auto rifle be more APPROPRIATE? And if you ensure that each round you fire has a valid target, your odds of running out of ammo first are low if your enemy got their shootout training from TV and movies (where shooting is more important than hitting anything)

        • What is the difference in the number of pellets in the shells between the double aught and the # 4 buck? yeah I’d invest in the #4 buck myself…

      • Oh, and by the way, that .06 difference was with the 00 brand on a 1/2 price sale which means that usually, #4 is significantly cheaper than 00 (at this place, anyway).

        Go Illini!

    • John ruger among others chamber revolvers in the .327 Federal magnum round. these revolvers will take the 32 H&r mag, the 32 SWlong and short as well as the 32 auto with half moon clips If youfind the correct halfmoon clips for the revolver due to cylinder spacing The 327 federal magnum is just a hair shy of the 357 magnum in power, and Rugers SP101 is available in target service and concealed carry configurations. I have a massive collection of handguns and this is on the top of my to own list (I will need at least 2 of them since the wife will no doubt blaim one of them as hers)

      • The 327 Magnum seems like a decent round, and it is nice it will shoot those other rounds, but they are not particularly common, so it would seem the benefit of having this limited for most people.

      • The .32 ACP is a semi rimmed cartridge and has virtually replaced the old .32 I used to use in my H&R break top .32. It needs no moon clip, but my 7.62 x25mm Tokarev leaves them all in the dust. Only trouble being it goes right thru the steel plate back stop.

  • John is dead on About the #4 buckshot. also, don’t forget about the 410. there are a few pistols that can shoot both 410, and .45 rounds.

  • Obviously, the author is not well versed in calibers and ballistics…might wanna shut the hell up…

  • I prefer my stockpile of 7.62×39. Love the M4 and have plenty of ammo for it as well, however I prefer my Vepr FM AK47 for my SHTF go to rifle. It’s an AK….it runs and runs and much more forgiving in the maintenance department than the AR platform.

    • You should meet my all wood stocked 7.62×39 M4… you need to open up the M4 feed ramps and invest in good magaxines and you wont have any issues with it. slightly more powerful and a hell of a lot more accurate than a 3o-30, they make super deer guns and are a hell of alot cheaper to feed than any other “30 caliber”(actually 32 cal) short round.

  • The .327 mag is also available in a new Henry lever-action carbine for hunting.

    • Pat, thanks for that info, Ive thought that someone should make a carbine for this round thanks to its ballistics ever since it was introduced!

  • Indirectly, this article seems more about which guns to have so you can shoot ammo you’re likely to find as “pick up” or through barter. In those cases, you won’t have any choice for what kind of round it is. It’ll just be what you find.

    If, on the other hand, you’re buying it NOW (pre-SHTF), you make choices. In .22LR, for instance, I recommend buying the 36-grain hollow points over the more common 40-grain round-nose. For small game hunting, the solid bullets can simply pass through your game. I’ve lost a few would-be stew animals because they were still able to travel 10 or 12 feet to get back in their holes to die. The 36-grain does more internal damage. Very little running off after they’re hit.

    Same with the 9mm. FMJ is the most common, but JHP is usually recommended as the more defensive round. There are several grain sizes there too.

    Buy what you want to use. Barter and salvage later may not turn up what you want.

    • On the topic of hollow point and fmj 9mm and other war time firearms and their ammo. Everyone needs to be aware of the fact that MANY wwII pre ant just post firearms can NOT feed MOST types of hollow points.. this is due to the fact that ramped barrels were not developed until much after WWII. and typical hollowpoints catch on the frame and induce a failure to feed so test your guns before you need to trade for ammo and end up without. Jeep a log book of what works and what doesnt. And find out if there are some simple mods that may work. Even newer cheap firearms have these issues, for example the Jiminez 9mm is a notorious HP hater but this instance is fixable (its a design flaw first you had to identify where the hollow points caught when feeding and dress out that point of the frame below the chamber, then address the major design flaw. he magazine catch is square bur the notch in the magazine is round, you need to obtain a new magazinr catch and compareit to the notch in the magazine. to see how it sits in the notch. carefully remove the bluing frome this area and then EXPERTLY build this area UP by mig or tig welding it.. then remove the latch from the hand gun, now fit the modified latch to the magazine so that it pulls the magazine all the way UP into the magwell this will change the feed angle of the rounds so they go into the chamber without hitting the frame under the chamber. You want the latch to catch the magazinr notch at the top of the hole not att the sides like it originally did, If you are careful, you can get the latch to fit all the way around the notch and not just at the top, this will keep it from wearing out too fast. Now if you wish you can dothe same with the original latch and storeit as a spare. I use this cheap gun as an example because it is so common even though so many people wont admit they would never own one, yet they end up in tackle boxes and glove boxes nore than any other 9mm because they are so cheap and are identical to the old Jensens. This issue, how ever is extremely common in cheap and early post war guns that dont use butt latch magazine retainers.

    • I am no gun expert, but I have always been partial to the .22 Magnum. Lots of punch.

  • 5.56/.223 is not as accurate as .308./7.62? Have you ever shot either? both rounds are extremely accurate and fired from a decent rifle, are probably more accurate than you can hold at longer range than you should be trying to shoot

    • He probably means the 7.62 holds its accuracy at longer ranges due to the bullet weight than the 5.56, face it the guy’s writing stile is advanced middle school!

  • The military too the .308 round and brought it’s chamber pressure down a bit to make the 7.62 x 51 NATO round so that they could use it in the M60 machine gun. According to my long ago armorer, the M14 can use the .308, but the .308 will jam (or worse) the M60.

    • Spot on Steve! The M60’s bolt operates with too much energy when used with .308 rounds, which tends to throw it out of timing causing FTF issues, in box magazine fed weapons this isnt an issue even when on automatic

  • The AR15 can shoot 9mm? How?

    You can build an AR platform chambered in 9mm, with a 9mm Farrell, but it won’t be an AR15. Just like the AR platform in .308 is an AR10, not 15.

    • Steve An Ar15 is independent of caliber, it is dependent on the action length the longer action is the AR 10 the shorter is the AR 15, Many AR 15 lower recievers are marked multiple when sold without an upper for this reason.

  • I hate Bill Gates. Barrel, not Farrell.

  • If I ever have to barter ammo it will be in very small amounts like I’m running short. #4 Buck is as cheap as 00, just not as plentiful. . I have all of the guns except the 327. I think a 38 super would be s good choice. You can shoot 9mm and in a pinch 380 in it. I used to have a 1911 in 38 Super I carried in my A bag when I deployed. The nato 9mm ball ran fine in my pistol. I think some 12 ga dragon breath rounds might come in handy to get a aggressor out of his hole. Maybe some AP and Incendiary rounds for your battle rifle might also be useful.

  • .22 Long Rifle “Can be fired from .22 caliber pistols and rifles.” True, however not all .22 ammo will cycle the slide properly if the pistol or rifle is a semi-auto. You’ll need to check the box on the .22 ammo for the proper FPS rating. 1200 FPS will cycle the slide properly.

    • this is typically due to improper maintenance of the firearm. the average .22lr is around 1100 fps to begin with, If it cant cycle your semi auto the firearm needs a good cleaning and lube.

  • In 12 Ga shot guns no 2 shot giver better over all tissue damage and cavitation in wounds than 00 buck does.

    • wrong. I can prove this by showing you the wounds and the leather jacket my 26 year old daughter absconded from me. the #2 barely penetrated my hand and bounced off my cycle leathers. the punk who shot didnt fare to well however. I have a 2 inch scar between my left thumb and firs knuckle on my hand. had it been double aught it would have destroyed the bones instead of being stopped by the web of my thumb.

  • Ola
    great share.
    I consider the great iptv lists are those from Fishbone IPTV cloud
    I would like to see more posts like this

  • Why would anyone use a 12 guage on a rabbit or squirrel? There would be nothing left.

  • I was half asleep when I wrote –guage. My first misspelling in a year. I will say three Our Fathers for penance.

  • Great comments appreciate the talent of knowing. I have a 22 Stephens visible loader mfg 1907. Question can I only shoot 22 form it the barrel is thick but maybe too soft to shoot a magnum 22 or stinger. Any wisdom on this issue It is a sweet 22 pump used it as a kid to hunt squirrel and rabbit. thanks for any help

    • I don’t think I would shoot high velocity .22 out of it. And certainly not .22 magnum.


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nakliyatmalatya evden eve nakliyatmalatya evden eve nakliyatMedyumbmw repair edmontonmersin ofis taşımacılığıeskişehir uydu servisieskişehir uydu servisimalatya sigortalı nakliyatmalatya sigortalı nakliyatistanbul moloz taşımaistanbul moloz taşımamersin evden eve nakliyatmersin ofis taşımacılığımersin ofis taşımacılığımersin ofis taşımamersin ofis taşımaankara asansörlü nakliyatankara asansörlü nakliyatAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika Eşya alanlarAntika Eşya alanlarantikabatman evden eve nakliyatbatman evden eve nakliyatİzmir Medyumeskişehir televizyon tamirieskişehir televizyon tamirieskişehir ev temizliğieskişehir ev temizliğiistanbul evden eve nakliyatistanbul evden eve nakliyatweb sitesi yapımıEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatortodontikadıköy evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattekne kiralamabuy instagram auto likesankara evden eve nakliyatankara evden eve nakliyattarsus evden eve nakliyatistanbul moloz taşımamezitli evden eve nakliyatmezitli evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyatbatman nakliyatbayraklı psikologistanbul balıkesir ambarmersin evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattuzla evden eve nakliyatAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarbankobetEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatyenimahalle evden eve nakliyatyenimahalle evden eve nakliyatkeçiören evden eve nakliyatkeçiören evden eve nakliyatbmw repairpolatlı evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatcintarsus evden eve nakliyattarsus evden eve nakliyateskişehir dış cephe temizliğieskişehir dış cephe temizliğipolatlı evden eve nakliyatpolatlı evden eve nakliyatankara evden eve nakliyatdijital danışmanlıkistanbul eskişehir arası nakliyatistanbul eskişehir arası nakliyatmarsbahis girişmarsbahis girişmarsbahis girişmarsbahis girişcasibom giriş twitterbatman evden eve nakliyatbatman evden eve nakliyattarsus evden eve nakliyatgölbaşı evden eve nakliyatgölbaşı evden eve nakliyatmersin asansörlü nakliyatmersin asansörlü nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattoroslar evden eve nakliyattoroslar evden eve nakliyateskişehir uydu tamirakdeniz evden eve nakliyatmarsbahismarsbahis giriş twittermarsbahis girişmarsbahisantika alan yerlerantika alan yerlerçankaya evden eve nakliyatçankaya evden eve nakliyatmersin asansörlü nakliyatistanbul eskişehir ambaristanbul eskişehir ambarmamak evden eve nakliyatmamak evden eve nakliyateskişehir televizyon tamirieskişehir televizyon tamirigoogle ads çalışmasıkadıköy evden eve nakliyatkadıköy evden eve nakliyatkadıköy evden eve nakliyatgebze evden eve nakliyatgebze evden eve nakliyatgebze evden eve nakliyatmersin ofis taşımamersin ofis taşımamersin ofis taşımaTerea