How to find civilization when you get lost in the wilderness
In my youth, I learned firsthand that getting lost in the wilderness is inherently terrifying. The situation can escalate quickly if you lack a sense of direction and know-how.
In my youth, I learned firsthand that getting lost in the wilderness is inherently terrifying. The situation can escalate quickly if you lack a sense of direction and know-how.
I’m a big fan of the Western genre, especially the books by Louis L’Amour. Of all the western writers I’ve seen, I think he understands the times, the people and
Just getting into prepping? You may sometimes fall prey to overheated talk and “hype” when it comes to this lifestyle.
One of the biggest concerns we face, when it comes to bugging out, is running out of gasoline. That’s especially true in a mass evacuation, as the people of Florida
While man is not the only species that makes and uses tools, it is easy to see why anthropologists initially felt it was what separated man from the other animals.
We often take for granted the simple act of moving, and we don’t think much about the natural functions of our bodies. However, for millions of people worldwide, this body’s