Unnoticed Survival Defense: The Best Way To Carry Concealed
There is no such thing as one holster that will work for everyone, let alone one design or body placement that everyone would agree is the best.
There is no such thing as one holster that will work for everyone, let alone one design or body placement that everyone would agree is the best.
If you have no experience with camping, or hiking in the woods, spending the night in the wild is frightening and dangerous. Here's how to survive!
Advances in technology tend to displace workers, as Artificial Intelligence is the biggest job displacer. We need to make sure that we are not overtaken by it.
Regardless of what the mainstream media and others on the left say, those of us who consider ourselves conservatives aren’t racists. Race just isn’t an issue to us. We look at people to see how competent they are, not the color of their skin.
Of course, that doesn’t stop progressives from calling us racist, as one of their mantras.
Things that are always hanging over us like a hellish cloud that can release its deadly hail storm at any minute. Here are the ones hitting critical mass. Brace yourselves…