Tips for buying and using a generator Safety should be your number one concern, and you need to become more informed before getting a generator to cover all your needs. Read More Electric Equipments, ENERGY, Featured 4 Comments0
How To Build Your Own Soda Can Solar Heater If you are determined to lower your heating bill and get away from expensive heating fuels, this is a viable option that has worked for people in all areas of Read More ENERGY, Energy Sources 7 Comments0
Best Off-grid Power For A Wilderness Retreat When you live in the wild, being disconnected from the grid is your usual state of mind. Where do you get your electricity from? Read More ENERGY, Energy Sources 16 Comments3
10 Uncommon Ways To Generate Electricity For Your Homestead Here are 10 uncommon ways to generate power! If you build one system at a time and harness them together, you are able to power an entire household. Read More Featured, GENERAL PREP 5 Comments0