7 Essential Steps To Survive The First Week After SHTF
Before you end up growing a sustainable garden or establishing a bartering system with other survivalists, you must survive the first week on your own.
Before you end up growing a sustainable garden or establishing a bartering system with other survivalists, you must survive the first week on your own.
While the devastation of a city is bad, the larger asteroids (over 2 km in diameter) would have a worldwide impact. But what sort of impact would they have?
Climate Change is the concern that too much of an increase in the world’s overall temperature will have drastic effects on the climate, serious enough to destroy life.
Projects constructed with sandbags are for short term use because modern sandbags are made of polypropylene and sunlight causes them to start falling apart.
Anyone who is a prepper knows that it takes a lot of time, money and sacrifice to prepare for a disaster. It’s a choice that we’ve made to protect our
After experiencing a few scenarios involving floods, I can tell you it’s almost surreal how quickly flood waters rise and how powerless it makes you feel.