Prep Blog Review: 30+ Summer Plants For Preppers

Have you ever wondered what would you do if one day you won’t find food in the stores? Growing your own food is a topic that never gets old and I’m sure you are always looking for new tips and tricks to make your survival garden better and better.

I love growing my own food. Spending time in the garden every day, nurturing my plants is a relaxing and rewarding activity, especially when, at the end of the day, I leave the magic place with a basket full of delicious veggies and herbs. Summer is almost here which means more time spent in the garden, new plants, and also more responsibilities for your garden.

With this thing in mind, for this week’s Prep Blog Review, I’ve gathered four articles about summer plants every prepper should grow.

If you have other ideas or suggestions, please share them in the comment section below.

1. 31 Summer Plants For Preppers

“As a prepper, planning a garden is so much more effort than just choosing pretty flowers or picking out neat vegetable varieties. You want to choose plants that offer a lot of benefits for the amount of space they take up. The following plants are great summer plants for preppers because they offer large harvests, medicinal benefits, and/or a use in a permaculture garden.

Tomatoes are a huge part of the modern diet. Whether it’s in salads, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, or salsa chances are your family eats them. They’re a great plant for beginners and easy to preserve.

For growers in exceptionally cold climates consider cherry tomato varieties which tolerate pots well and can be brought indoors whenever temperatures dip too low.”

Read more on Survival Sullivan.

2. It’s June – What Can I Still Plant In My Garden?

“Even the most avid gardeners have a bad year! Any number of things can keep you out of the garden in April and May, weather problems, work commitments, family problems . . . we’ve all been there.

But don’t give up on your garden just yet. There are still plenty of yummy veggies you can get planted now (in mid to late June) and get a nice harvest before the summer ends.

Let’s talk about what you can still get planted now and also talk about a few things that you can wait on and plant in about 5 or 6 weeks (Around August 1st for most of us).”

Read more on Our Stoney Acres.

3. 10 Healthy Veggies You Can Grow In Water

“Store-bought or homegrown, you can reuse those veggie scraps to grow an endless supply of food starting with just a container of water at home.

DIY water gardens are ideal for anyone who wants to minimize waste, grow organic, save money, and make fewer trips to the market. Homesteaders and city dwellers–this one’s for you.

What you’re going to need:

Mason Jar or shallow bowl

Purified water

Potted soil

Toothpicks/bamboo skewers, depending on the vegetable”

Read more on Urban Survival Site.

4. How To Grow The Perfect Peppers

“Every survival garden should have peppers! There are so many different things you can do with them – anything from canning to eating them raw in a beautiful salad. Even if you’ve got a “black thumb,” Peppers are an incredibly easy and versatile crop to grow!

Peppers remain a top crop among gardeners across the globe!  But knowing what pepper to grow might be a bit of a challenge.

Let’s go over some basic information on various peppers to help you decide what varieties will work best for you!”

Read more on Survival Life.

This article has been written by Drew Stratton for Survivopedia.

Written by

Drew Stratton is a writer. She enjoys keeping fit, she loves nature and any kind of outdoor activity, from hiking to airsoft. When she is not writing about her experiences, you may find Drew in her garden where she grows her own vegetables, or you can find her cooking something healthy or trying a new DIY project. You can send Drew a message at editor [at]

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