Prep Blog Review: Survival And Bushcraft Habits

Prep Blog Review 10 JanAs preppers we’re always thinking of how to reuse, repurpose and DIY everyday stuff or things we don’t use anymore. So this is what we’re looking at today.

We found some really great reads that will surely give you some new ideas on say… what to do with your Christmas tree instead of tossing it as soon as the holidays are over, but other topics too. Let us know what you think about it and don’t shy away from sharing your own ideas in the comments section below.

1. 5 Survival Uses for a Recycled Christmas Tree

Christmas tree tossed on the road“It’s been said that a true survivalist can make something useful out of anything. Let’s put it to the test and see what we can come up with as practical uses for our crusty, dried-out Christmas trees.

1. Tinder

One of my favorite natural tinder materials in wet weather are the dry needles of evergreen trees. These have enough flammable pitch to burn even when they are damp. Once your Christmas tree needles are dry enough to fall off, they should be dry enough to use for tinder.”

Read more on Outdoor Life.

2. How To Split Logs Lengthwise Using Wedges

Log split lengthwise“This rough guide of How To Split Logs lengthwise using wedges to create lumber for building projects.

To split a log with wedges, take your axe in your left hand and a club in your right hand and, by hammering the head of your axe with the club, drive the blade into the small end of the log far enough to make a crack deep enough to hold the thin edge of your wedges. Make this crack all the way across the end of the log.”

Read more on The Homestead Survival.

3. Making a Traditional Besom or Appalachian Broom

“Morning folks, I’m Dave Canterbury under camera with the pathfinder school and this high grass that you see surrounding me today is called broom sage. And hence the name, it was good for making brooms.”

Video first seen on Wilderness Outfitters.

4. Fat Guys In The Woods: Blog Skills Series: Become a Fire Walker – Apache Match

Tinder“You’ve probably noticed that I’ll often send the guys off on the morning of their solo day with some kind of fire carry method.  The ability to carry fire is an important survival skill for a variety of reasons.

First, if you can carry fire, you don’t have to recreate your fire start all over again.  It typically takes less energy and calories to carry fire than to start all over from scratch.  Survival is all about conserving calories.”

Read more on Willow Haven Outdoor.

5. 20 Survival Uses for Chap Stick

Hand holding chapstick“When you’re making a survival kit or a bug out bag, it’s best to pack items that have multiple uses. This way you’ll be prepared for all types of situations without taking up more space than necessary. There are dozens of versatile items, but today I want to talk about chap stick. Here are 20 survival uses for it:

1. Moisten chapped lips. Well, duh! But I had to include this lest someone leave a smartass comment chiding me for leaving it out. You know who you are.”

Read more on Urban Survival Site.

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This article has been written by Brenda E. Walsh for Survivopedia.

Written by

Brenda E. Walsh loves nature and all its wonders and has took up gardening as well as canning whatever thrives in her urban mini-garden, being especially interested in herbs and spices. She also loves animals, traveling, walking long distances, hikes and reading. You can send Brenda a message at editor [at]